HAOverview1st & 2nd ReadingsCommitteeAmendments3rd ReadingMessages
LCOverview1st & 2nd ReadingsCommitteeAmendments3rd ReadingMessages

Bill - Landscape South Australia
Bill Number - 99
Introduced in the House of Assembly
Bill TitleLandscape South Australia Bill Number72 72A
Introduced in theHouse of Assemblyon20/03/2019
PrecisThe Landscape South Australia Bill promotes sustainable and integrated management of the State's landscapes, makes provisions for the protection of the State's natural resources, repeals the Natural Resources Management Act 2004 and makes consequential amendments to other Acts.
Money Bill/Money ClauseMoney ClauseMoney Clause(s)/Bill No.Money Clause
1st ReadingMinister for Environment and Water (Hon D J Speirs)on20/03/2019
Second Reading MovedMinister for Environment and Water (Hon D J Speirs)on20/03/2019
2nd Reading Debates
04/04/2019Dr Close
04/04/2019Mr Ellis
04/04/2019Mr Hughes
04/04/2019Mr Teague
04/04/2019Mr Basham
04/04/2019Mr Cowdrey OAM
04/04/2019Hon T J Whetstone
04/04/2019Ms Luethen
15/05/2019Hon V A Chapman
15/05/2019Mr Duluk
16/05/2019Mr Pederick
16/05/2019Mr McBride
16/05/2019Dr Harvey
16/05/2019Mr Treloar
16/05/2019Minister for Environment and Water (Hon D J Speirs)
2nd Reading Date16/05/2019
Adjourned byMr Pederick
Referred to Committee of the Whole on16/05/2019
DateConsideration OfClause Number/TitleOutcome
16/05/2019Clause(s)1Agreed to
16/05/2019Clause(s)2Agreed to
16/05/2019Clause(s)3Agreed to
16/05/2019Clause(s)4-6Agreed to
16/05/2019Clause(s)7Agreed to
16/05/2019Clause(s)8Agreed to
16/05/2019Clause(s)9-10Agreed to
16/05/2019Clause(s)11Agreed to
16/05/2019Clause(s)12Agreed to
16/05/2019Clause(s)13Agreed to
16/05/2019Clause(s)14-15Agreed to
16/05/2019Clause(s)16Agreed to
16/05/2019Clause(s)17Agreed to
16/05/2019Clause(s)18-21Agreed to
16/05/2019Clause(s)22Agreed to
16/05/2019New Clause(s)22A and 22BDisagreed to
16/05/2019Clause(s)23Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)24Amended and agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)25Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)26Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)27-32Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)33Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)34 and 35Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)36Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)37-41Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)42Amended and agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)43Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)44Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)45Amended and agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)46 to 50Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)51Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)52 to 63Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)64Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)65Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)66Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)67 and 68Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)69Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)70 to 72Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)73Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)74 to 85Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)86Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)87 to 90Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)91Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)92 to 99Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)100Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)101 to 104Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)105Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)106 to 182Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)183Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)184 to 189Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)190Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)191 to 201Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)202Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)203 to 212Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)213Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)214Agreed to
04/06/2019Clause(s)215 to 246Agreed to
04/06/2019Sched(s)1 to 5Agreed to
04/06/2019Title Agreed to
24/09/2019LC Amendment(s)2Disagreed to
Procedural Notes

Clause 7 - Amendment 1 - Close, negatived on the voices; Amendment 2 - Close, negatived on the voices; Amendment 1 - Close(2), negatived on the voices; Amendment 4 - Close, negatived on the voices; Amendment 5 - Close, negatived on the voices; Amendment 6 - Close, negatived on the voices. Clause 11 - Amendment 7 - Close, negatived on the voices; Clause 13 - Amendment 8 - Close, negatived on the voices; Clause 24 (2)(c) - Amendment 3 - Close, agreed; Clause 24 (2)(e) - Amendment 11 - Close, negatived on the voices;  Clause 42 (3)(da, db, dc) - Amendment 12 - Close, amended to delete (da) and (dc) - agreed; Clause 42 (4)(a) - Amendment 13 - not proceeded with; Clause 42 (4)(d) - Amendment 14 - negatived on the voices; 

Third Reading MovedMinister for Environment and Water (Hon D J Speirs)on04/06/2019
3rd Reading Date04/06/2019
Received in the Legislative Council
Bill TitleLandscape South Australia Bill Number99
Received in theLegislative Councilon05/06/2019
StatusPassed in LC with amendments
Second Reading MovedMinister for Human Services (Hon J M Lensink (MLC))on18/06/2019
2nd Reading Debates
04/07/2019Hon J A Darley (MLC)
04/07/2019Hon M C Parnell (MLC)
04/07/2019Hon K J Maher (MLC)
23/07/2019Hon I K Hunter (MLC)
23/07/2019Hon F Pangallo (MLC)
23/07/2019Minister for Human Services (Hon J M Lensink (MLC))
2nd Reading Date23/07/2019
Adjourned byHon J S Lee (MLC)
Referred to Committee of the Whole on23/07/2019
DateConsideration OfClause Number/TitleOutcome
01/08/2019Clause(s)1Agreed to
01/08/2019Clause(s)2Agreed to
01/08/2019Clause(s)3Amended and agreed to
01/08/2019Clause(s)4-6Agreed to
01/08/2019Clause(s)7Amended and agreed to
01/08/2019Clause(s)8Amended and agreed to
01/08/2019Clause(s)9Agreed to
01/08/2019Clause(s)10Agreed to
01/08/2019Clause(s)11Amended and agreed to
01/08/2019Clause(s)12Agreed to
01/08/2019Clause(s)13Amended and agreed to
01/08/2019Clause(s)14Agreed to
01/08/2019Clause(s)15Amended and agreed to
01/08/2019Clause(s)16Amended and agreed to
01/08/2019Clause(s)17Amended and agreed to
01/08/2019Clause(s)18-21Agreed to
01/08/2019Clause(s)22Agreed to
01/08/2019New Clause(s)22AInserted with an amendment
01/08/2019New Clause(s)22BInserted
01/08/2019Clause(s)23Amended and agreed to
01/08/2019Clause(s)24Amended and agreed to
01/08/2019Clause(s)25Agreed to
01/08/2019Clause(s)26Agreed to
01/08/2019Clause(s)27-32Agreed to
01/08/2019Clause(s)33Agreed to
01/08/2019Clause(s)34-36Agreed to
01/08/2019Clause(s)37Agreed to
01/08/2019Clause(s)38-41Agreed to
01/08/2019Clause(s)42Amended and agreed to
01/08/2019Clause(s)43Amended and agreed to
10/09/2019Clause(s)44Agreed to
10/09/2019Clause(s)45Amended and agreed to
10/09/2019Clause(s)46-48Agreed to
10/09/2019Clause(s)49Amended and agreed to
10/09/2019Clause(s)50-63Agreed to
10/09/2019Clause(s)64-68Disagreed to
10/09/2019New Clause(s)64-68Agreed to
10/09/2019Clause(s)69-79Agreed to
10/09/2019Clause(s)80Amended and agreed to
10/09/2019Clause(s)81-82Agreed to
10/09/2019Clause(s)83Amended and agreed to
10/09/2019Clause(s)84-90Agreed to
10/09/2019Clause(s)91Agreed to
10/09/2019Clause(s)92-97Agreed to
11/09/2019Clause(s)98Agreed to
11/09/2019Clause(s)99-101Agreed to
11/09/2019Clause(s)102-201Agreed to
11/09/2019Clause(s)202-212agreed to
11/09/2019Clause(s)213Agreed to
11/09/2019Clause(s)214Agreed to
11/09/2019Clause(s)215-246Agreed to
11/09/2019New Clause(s)247Inserted
11/09/2019Sched(s)1-4Agreed to
11/09/2019Sched(s)5Amended and agreed to
11/09/2019Title Agreed to
15/10/2019HA Messagesuggested amendmentsDisagreement insisted on
15/10/2019HA MessageamendmentsDisagreement insisted on
Third Reading MovedMinister for Human Services (Hon J M Lensink (MLC))on11/09/2019
3rd Reading Date11/09/2019
19/03/2019Message from the Govenor - Recommending - Landscape South Australia Bill
12/09/2019Message from the Legislative Council - Returning with amendments and suggested amendments
24/09/2019Message from the Legislative Council - Returning with amendments and sugggested amendments (corrected Schedule)
DateConsideration OfClause Number/TitleOutcome
24/09/2019LC Amendment(s)1Agreed to
24/09/2019LC Amendment(s)3 to 13Agreed to
24/09/2019LC Amendment(s)14Disagreed to
24/09/2019LC Amendment(s)15 to 39Agreed to
24/09/2019LC Amendment(s)40 to 44Disagreed to
24/09/2019LC Amendment(s)45 and 46Agreed to
24/09/2019LC Amendment(s)47 to 50Disagreed to
24/09/2019LC Amendment(s)1 to 5Suggested Amendments - Disagreed to
24/09/2019Message from the House of Assembly - Agreeing and disagreeing to amendments and suggested amendments
15/10/2019Message from the Legislative Council - Requesting Conference
17/10/2019Message from the House of Assembly - Granting
29/10/2019Message from the Legislative Council - Agreeing to time and place
14/11/2019Message from the House of Assembly - Agreeing to recomendations of (HA Bill)
DateConsideration OfClause Number/TitleOutcome
14/11/2019 Agreed to
14/11/2019Message from the Legislative Council - Agreeing to recomendations of (HA Bill)
26/11/2019Message from the Govenor - Assent