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Bill - Summary Offences (Disrespectful Conduct in Court) Amendment
Bill Number - 54
Introduced in the House of Assembly
Bill TitleSummary Offences (Disrespectful Conduct in Court) Amendment Bill Number33
Introduced in theHouse of Assemblyon05/07/2018

This Act amends the Summary Offences Act 1953 to make it a summary offence for a person who is a party to proceedings before a court to intentionally engage in disrespectful conduct before the court.

The Act acknowledges the importance of maintaining the administration of justice and preserving the authority and dignity of the courts. The Act seeks to uphold expectations of the community that parties to court proceedings will conduct themselves in a respectful manner before the court and recognises the rights of all parties to be heard free from unnecessary disruptions and abuse from other parties.

1st Reading Attorney-General (Hon V A Chapman)on05/07/2018
Second Reading Moved Attorney-General (Hon V A Chapman)on05/07/2018
2nd Reading Debates
02/08/2018Minister for Education (Hon J A Gardner)
20/09/2018Mr Picton
20/09/2018Mr Teague
20/09/2018Mr Cregan
20/09/2018 Attorney-General (Hon V A Chapman)
Adjourned byMr Boyer
Referred to Committee of the Whole on20/09/2018
DateConsideration OfClause Number/TitleOutcome
20/09/2018Clause(s)1Agreed to
20/09/2018Clause(s)2Agreed to
20/09/2018Clause(s)3Agreed to
20/09/2018Clause(s)4Agreed to
20/09/2018Title Agreed to
08/11/2018LC Amendment(s)1 and 2Agreed to
Third Reading Moved Attorney-General (Hon V A Chapman)on20/09/2018
3rd Reading Date20/09/2018
Received in the Legislative Council
Bill TitleSummary Offences (Disrespectful Conduct in Court) Amendment Bill Number54
Received in theLegislative Councilon20/09/2018
Second Reading Moved Treasurer (Hon R I Lucas (MLC))on16/10/2018
2nd Reading Debates
06/11/2018Hon D G Hood (MLC)
07/11/2018Hon K Maher (MLC)
07/11/2018 Treasurer (Hon R I Lucas (MLC))
2nd Reading Date07/11/2018
Adjourned byHon E S Bourke (MLC)
Referred to Committee of the Whole on07/11/2018
DateConsideration OfClause Number/TitleOutcome
07/11/2018Clause(s)1Agreed to
07/11/2018Clause(s)2-3Agreed to
07/11/2018Clause(s)4Amended and agreed to
07/11/2018Title Agreed to
Third Reading Moved Treasurer (Hon R I Lucas (MLC))on07/11/2018
3rd Reading Date07/11/2018
08/11/2018Message from the Legislative Council - Returning with amendment/s
08/11/2018Message from the House of Assembly - Agreeing to amendment/s
27/11/2018Message from the Govenor - Assent