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Bill - Criminal Law Consolidation (Children and Vulnerable Adults) Amendment
Bill Number - 14
Introduced in the House of Assembly
Bill TitleCriminal Law Consolidation (Children and Vulnerable Adults) AmendmentBill Number7
Introduced in theHouse of Assemblyon16/05/2018

This Act amends the offence of criminal neglect, in section 14 of the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935, to address difficulties experienced in the prosecution of offenders for that offence. It also creates a general offence of child neglect.

The Act addresses shortcomings experienced in practice by the police and the Director of Public Prosecutions arising from the definition of 'serious harm' as it applies to children who are the victims of the offending. These shortcomings have made it difficult to establish elements of the offence, particularly that the child has suffered 'serious harm' as defined.

1st Reading Attorney-General (Hon V A Chapman)on16/05/2018
Second Reading Moved Attorney-General (Hon V A Chapman)on16/05/2018
2nd Reading Debates
05/06/2018Minister for Child Protection (Hon R Sanderson)
05/06/2018Ms Luethen
05/06/2018Mr Picton
05/06/2018Mr Pederick
05/06/2018Mr Teague
05/06/2018Mr Boyer
05/06/2018Mr Murray
05/06/2018Ms Habib
05/06/2018 Attorney-General (Hon V A Chapman)
2nd Reading Date05/06/2018
Adjourned byMr Mullighan
Third Reading Moved Attorney-General (Hon V A Chapman)on05/06/2018
Received in the Legislative Council
Bill TitleCriminal Law Consolidation (Children and Vulnerable Adults) AmendmentBill Number14
Received in theLegislative Councilon06/06/2018
StatusPassed in LC
Second Reading Moved Treasurer (Hon R I Lucas (MLC))on07/06/2018
2nd Reading Debates
21/06/2018Hon J A Darley (MLC)
21/06/2018Hon F Pangallo (MLC)
24/07/2018Hon K Maher (MLC)
24/07/2018Hon D G Hood (MLC)
Adjourned byHon E S Bourke (MLC)
Referred to Committee of the Whole on24/07/2018
DateConsideration OfClause Number/TitleOutcome
24/07/2018Clause(s)1Agreed to
24/07/2018Clause(s)2-8Agreed to
24/07/2018Title Agreed to
Third Reading Moved Treasurer (Hon R I Lucas (MLC))on24/07/2018
3rd Reading Date24/07/2018
24/07/2018Message from the Legislative Council - Returning without amendment