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Bill - Coroners (Inquest and Privilege) Amendment
Bill Number - 90
Session54th/2ndHouseHouse of Assembly
TypeGovernment BillBill Number90
TitleCoroners (Inquest and Privilege) Amendment
OriginHouse of Assembly
Reading(s)1st - 14/10/2020, 2nd Moved - 14/10/2020, 2nd Read - 10/11/2020, 3rd Moved - 10/11/2020, 3rd Read - 10/11/2020
Procedural Notes
StatusAssentedAct No 10 of 2021Date25/03/2021

This Act amends the Coroners Act 2003 and makes related amendments to the Guardianship and Administration Act 1993. The Act makes the following key changes:

  • relieves the obligation on the Coroner to investigate certain reportable deaths as ‘deaths in custody’;
  • introduces a certificate system to enable the Coroner to provide protection of privilege to witnesses against self-incrimination and penalty;
  • requires the Government to report to Parliament on actions taken in response to recommendations from the Coroner; and
  • provides family members with access to legal counsel during Coroner’s Court proceedings and access to records where no inquest is held.
Money Bill / Money Clause
Money Clause(s) / Bill NoNone
Document LinkClick here to view the Bill.