The SA Legislative Tracking System provides information on the progress or result of all Bills and Motions before the Houses in each session of the Parliament.
Information prior to the 3rd session of the 48th Parliament may not be available through this system.
Bills and Motions in the current session
HA | 108 A - Aboriginal Heritage (Miscellaneous) Amendment (08/02/24)
HA | 19 - Aboriginal Representative Body (06/07/22)
HA | 100 A - Adelaide University (01/11/23)
HA | 34 A - Advance Care Directives (Review) Amendment (19/10/22)
HA | 157 A - Animal Welfare (11/09/24)
HA | 17 - Animal Welfare (Jumps Racing) Amendment (16/06/22)
HA | 13 - Appropriation (02/06/22)
HA | 73 - Appropriation 2023 (15/06/23)
HA | 140 - Appropriation 2024 (06/06/24)
HA | 82 A - Assisted Reproductive Treatment (Posthumous Use of Material and Donor Conception Register) Amendment (30/08/23)
HA | 126 - AUKUS (Land Acquisition) (10/04/24)
HA | 48 - Automated External Defibrillators (Public Access) (17/11/22)
HA | 147 - Automated External Defibrillators (Public Access) (Miscellaneous) Amendment (28/08/24)
HA | 105 - Ayers House (29/11/23)
HA | 119 - Bail (Conditions) Amendment (07/03/24)
HA | 134 - Bail (Terror Suspects and Firearm Parts) Amendment (14/05/24)
HA | 190 A - Biosecurity (27/11/24)
HA | 97 - Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration (Tissue Donation Statements) Amendment (28/09/23)
HA | 89 A - Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium (Miscellaneous) Amendment (14/09/23)
HA | 28 - Burial and Cremation (Interment Rights) Amendment (08/09/22)
HA | 131 - Casino (Penalties) Amendment (01/05/24)
HA | 107 - Child Sex Offenders Registration (Child-Related Work) Amendment (06/02/24)
HA | 166 - Child Sex Offenders Registration (Public Register) Amendment (26/09/24)
HA | 168 - Children and Young People (Oversight and Advocacy Bodies) (Child Death and Serious Injury Review Committee) Amendment (15/10/24)
HA | 170 - Children and Young People (Safety and Support) (16/10/24)
HA | 6 - Civil Liability (BYO Containers) Amendment (19/05/22)
HA | 153 A - Climate Change and Greenhouse Emissions Reduction (Miscellaneous) Amendment (29/08/24)
HA | 15 - Climate Change and Greenhouse Emissions Reduction (Targets) Amendment (15/06/22)
HA | 88 - Constitution (Countersigning) Amendment (13/09/23)
HA | 50 - Construction Industry Commissioner (30/11/22)
HA | 186 - Construction Industry Training Fund (Application of Fund) Amendment (27/11/24)
HA | 130 A - Construction Industry Training Fund (Miscellaneous) Amendment (01/05/24)
HA | 113 - Controlled Substances (Destruction of Seized Property) Amendment (22/02/24)
HA | 31 - Controlled Substances (Pure Amounts) Amendment (27/09/22)
HA | 158 - Conversion Practices Prohibition (11/09/24)
HA | 39 A - Courts Administration (Miscellaneous) Amendment (03/11/22)
HA | 139 - Criminal Assets Confiscation (Miscellaneous) Amendment (06/06/24)
HA | 110 - Criminal Law (High Risk Offenders) (Additional High Risk Offenders) Amendment (20/02/24)
HA | 176 - Criminal Law (High Risk Offenders) (Miscellaneous) Amendment (31/10/24)
HA | 68 - Criminal Law Consolidation (Child Sexual Abuse) Amendment (16/05/23)
HA | 152 - Criminal Law Consolidation (Coercive Control) Amendment (29/08/24)
HA | 87 - Criminal Law Consolidation (Criminal Organisations - Prescribed Places) Amendment (12/09/23)
HA | 8 - Criminal Law Consolidation (Human Remains) Amendment (31/05/22)
HA | 133 - Criminal Law Consolidation (Recruiting Children To Commit Crime) Amendment (14/05/24)
HA | 167 - Criminal Law Consolidation (Section 20A) Amendment (26/09/24)
HA | 122 - Criminal Law Consolidation (Sexual Predation Offences) Amendment (10/04/24)
HA | 180 - Criminal Law Consolidation (Stalking and Harassment) Amendment (13/11/24)
HA | 41 - Criminal Procedure (Monitoring Orders) Amendment (15/11/22)
HA | 14 A - Cross Border Commissioner (14/06/22)
HA | 192 - Defamation (Miscellaneous) Amendment (04/02/25)
HA | 76 A - Disability Inclusion (Review Recommendations) Amendment (28/06/23)
HA | 162 - Dog and Cat Management (Breeder Reforms) Amendment (25/09/24)
HA | 191 - Education and Children's Services (Barring Notices and Other Protections) Amendment (28/11/24)
HA | 182 - Electoral (Accountability and Integrity) Amendment (14/11/24)
HA | 63 - Electoral (Control of Corflutes) Amendment (03/05/23)
HA | 185 - Electoral (Miscellaneous) Amendment (26/11/24)
HA | 10 - Electoral (Telephone Voting) Amendment (01/06/22)
HA | 189 - Emergency Management (Miscellaneous) Amendment (27/11/24)
HA | 64 - Environment Protection (Objects of Act and Board Attributes) Amendment (03/05/23)
HA | 61 - Equal Opportunity (Domestic Abuse) Amendment (21/03/23)
HA | 71 - Evidence (Aboriginal Traditional Laws and Customs) Amendment (01/06/23)
HA | 80 - Explosives (29/08/23)
HA | 46 - Fair Work (Family and Domestic Violence Leave) Amendment (16/11/22)
HA | 174 - Fair Work (Registered Associations) Amendment (29/10/24)
HA | 57 - First Nations Voice (23/02/23)
HA | 75 - Forfeiture (27/06/23)
HA | 20 - Freedom of Information (Ministerial Diaries) Amendment (06/09/22)
HA | 93 - Gas (Other Gases) Amendment (27/09/23)
HA | 25 - Gene Technology (Adoption of Commonwealth Amendments) Amendment (07/09/22)
HA | 160 - Government Advertising
HA | 155 - Greyhound Industry Reform Inspector (11/09/24)
HA | 47 - Health Care (Acquisition of Property) Amendment (16/11/22)
HA | 36 - Heritage Places (Adelaide Park Lands) Amendment (20/10/22)
HA | 114 A - Heritage Places (Protection of State Heritage Places) Amendment (05/03/24)
HA | 154 - Highways (Works for Residential Developments) Amendment (11/09/24)
HA | 90 A - Hydrogen and Renewable Energy (14/09/23)
HA | 196 - Independent Commission Against Corruption (Conditions of Appointment - Integrity Measures) Amendment Bill (06/02/25)
HA | 183 - Independent Commission Against Corruption (Miscellaneous) Amendment (14/11/24)
HA | 115 - Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) (Section 31 Offences) Amendment (05/03/24)
HA | 172 - Judicial Conduct Commissioner (Miscellaneous) Amendment (17/10/24)
HA | 135 - Late Payment of Government Debts (Interest) (Review) Amendment (15/05/24)
HA | 43 A - Livestock (Emergency Animal Disease) Amendment (15/11/22)
HA | 56 - Local Government (Casual Vacancies) Amendment (22/02/23)
HA | 26 - Local Government (Defaulting Council) Amendment (07/09/22)
HA | 181 - Local Government (Elections) (Display and Publication of Valid Nominations) Amendment (13/11/24)
HA | 104 - Local Government (Waste Collection) Amendment (29/11/23)
HA | 112 - Local Nuisance and Litter Control (Miscellaneous) Amendment (22/02/24)
HA | 35 - Magistrates Court (Nunga Court) Amendment (20/10/22)
HA | 118 - Members of Parliament (Register of Interests) (Water Entitlements) Amendment
HA | 44 - Mining (Land Access Inquiry Recommendations) Amendment (16/11/22)
HA | 187 - Motor Vehicles (Disability Parking Permit Scheme) Amendment (27/11/24)
HA | 5 - Motor Vehicles (Electric Vehicle Levy) Amendment Repeal (18/05/22)
HA | 151 - Motor Vehicles (Motor Driving Instructors and Authorised Examiners) Amendment (29/08/24)
HA | 81 - Motor Vehicles (Number Plates) Amendment (30/08/23)
HA | 146 - Motor Vehicles (Previous Offences) Amendment (28/08/24)
HA | 23 - National Electricity (South Australia) (Consumer Data Right) Amendment (07/09/22)
HA | 45 - National Electricity (South Australia) (Ministerial Reliability Instrument) Amendment (16/11/22)
HA | 179 - National Electricity (South Australia) (Orderly Exit Management Framework) Amendment (13/11/24)
HA | 51 - National Gas (South Australia) (East Coast Gas System) Amendment (30/11/22)
HA | 12 - National Gas (South Australia) (Market Transparency) Amendment (01/06/22)
HA | 60 - National Parks and Wildlife (Wombat Burrows) Amendment (21/03/23)
HA | 169 - Native Vegetation (Miscellaneous) Amendment (16/10/24)
HA | 37 - New Women's and Children's Hospital (02/11/22)
HA | 85 - New Women's and Children's Hospital (Relocation of SA Police Facilities) Amendment (31/08/23)
HA | 149 A - Office for Early Childhood Development (28/08/24)
HA | 116 - Parliamentary Committees (Aboriginal Affairs Committee) Amendment (06/03/24)
HA | 128 A - Parliamentary Committees (Referral of Petitions) Amendment (11/04/24)
HA | 198 - Parliamentary Committees (Response to Reports) Amendment (06/02/25)
HA | 194 - Passenger Transport (Point to Point Transport Services) Amendment (05/02/25)
HA | 124 - Passenger Transport (Public Transport Infrastructure) Amendment (10/04/24)
HA | 77 - Pastoral Land Management and Conservation (Use of Pastoral Land) Amendment (06/07/23)
HA | 171 - Pet Food (Marketing and Labelling)
HA | 83 - Petroleum and Geothermal Energy (Energy Resources) Amendment (30/08/23)
HA | 86 - Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Adelaide Park Lands) Amendment (31/08/23)
HA | 150 - Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Designated Live Music Venues and Protection of Crown and Anchor Hotel) Amendment (28/08/24)
HA | 177 - Plastic Shopping Bags (Waste Avoidance) Repeal (31/10/24)
HA | 27 - Plebiscite (South East Council Amalgamation) (07/09/22)
HA | 159 A - Portable Long Service Leave (11/09/24)
HA | 164 - Preventive Health SA (26/09/24)
HA | 18 - Private Parking Areas (Shopping Centre Parking Areas) Amendment (05/07/22)
HA | 70 - Public Finance and Audit (Auditor-General Access to Cabinet Submissions) Amendment (18/05/23)
HA | 103 - Public Holidays (28/11/23)
HA | 92 - Public Sector (Ministerial Travel Reports) Amendment (26/09/23)
HA | 58 - Rail Safety National Law (South Australia) (Fees) Amendment (08/03/23)
HA | 22 - Rail Safety National Law (South Australia) (Miscellaneous) Amendment (07/09/22)
HA | 99 - Residential Tenancies (Miscellaneous) Amendment (01/11/23)
HA | 59 A - Residential Tenancies (Protection of Prospective Tenants) Amendment (08/03/23)
HA | 111 A - Retirement Villages (Miscellaneous) Amendment (21/02/24)
HA | 144 A - Return to Work (Employment and Progressive Injuries) Amendment (27/08/24)
HA | 127 - Return to Work (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) Amendment
HA | 178 - Return to Work (Presumptive Firefighter Injuries) Amendment
HA | 16 - Return to Work (Scheme Sustainability) Amendment (15/06/22)
HA | 84 - Return to Work Corporation of South Australia (Constitution of Board of Management) Amendment (30/08/23)
HA | 102 - Second-hand Vehicle Dealers (Miscellaneous) Amendment (15/11/23)
HA | 132 - Sentencing (Serious Child Sex Offenders) Amendment (02/05/24)
HA | 32 - Shop Trading Hours (Extension of Hours) Amendment (18/10/22)
HA | 98 - Social Workers Registration (Commencement) Amendment (18/10/23)
HA | 173 - South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (Miscellaneous) Amendment (17/10/24)
HA | 4 - South Australian Motor Sport (Miscellaneous) Amendment (05/05/22)
HA | 2 - South Australian Public Health (COVID-19) Amendment (04/05/22)
HA | 117 - Spent Convictions (Part 8A Findings) Amendment (06/03/24)
HA | 29 A - State Assets (Privatisation Restrictions) (08/09/22)
HA | 197 - State Development Coordination and Facilitation Bill (06/02/25)
HA | 193 - Statutes Amendment (Administrative Review Tribunal) (04/02/25)
HA | 33 - Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio and Other Justice Measures) (18/10/22)
HA | 21 - Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) (06/09/22)
HA | 136 - Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) (15/05/24)
HA | 40 - Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) (No 2) (03/11/22)
HA | 42 - Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) (No 3) (15/11/22)
HA | 78 - Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) (No 4) (29/08/23)
HA | 74 - Statutes Amendment (Budget Measures) (15/06/23)
HA | 141 - Statutes Amendment (Budget Measures) 2024 (06/06/24)
HA | 7 A - Statutes Amendment (Child Sex Offences) (19/05/22)
HA | 55 - Statutes Amendment (Civil Enforcement) (09/02/23)
HA | 188 - Statutes Amendment (Community and Strata Titles) (27/11/24)
HA | 184 - Statutes Amendment (Criminal Proceedings) (14/11/24)
HA | 52 - Statutes Amendment (Education, Training and Skills Portfolio) (30/11/22)
HA | 195 - Statutes Amendment (Heritage) Bill (06/02/25)
HA | 109 - Statutes Amendment (Identity Theft) (08/02/24)
HA | 106 - Statutes Amendment (Industrial Relations Portfolio) (06/02/24)
HA | 9 - Statutes Amendment (Justice Measures) (01/06/22)
HA | 129 - Statutes Amendment (National Energy Laws) (Data Access) (01/05/24)
HA | 72 - Statutes Amendment (National Energy Laws) (Emissions Reduction Objectives) (14/06/23)
HA | 24 - Statutes Amendment (National Energy Laws) (Gas Pipelines) (07/09/22)
HA | 94 - Statutes Amendment (National Energy Laws) (Other Gases) (27/09/23)
HA | 101 - Statutes Amendment (National Energy Laws) (Wholesale Market Monitoring) (15/11/23)
HA | 11 - Statutes Amendment (National Energy Laws)(Regulatory Sandboxing) (01/06/22)
HA | 96 - Statutes Amendment (Ombudsman and Auditor-General) (28/09/23)
HA | 138 - Statutes Amendment (Parliament - Executive Officer and Clerks) (05/06/24)
HA | 54 - Statutes Amendment (Personal Mobility Devices) (08/02/23)
HA | 142 - Statutes Amendment (Personal Mobility Devices) (19/06/24)
HA | 121 - Statutes Amendment (Public Trustee and Litigation Guardian) (21/03/24)
HA | 67 - Statutes Amendment (Serious Vehicle and Vessel Offences) (16/05/23)
HA | 66 - Statutes Amendment (Sexual Offences) (04/05/23)
HA | 156 - Statutes Amendment (Small Business Commission and Retail and Commercial Leases) (11/09/24)
HA | 143 A - Statutes Amendment (South Australian Employment Tribunal) (27/06/24)
HA | 38 - Statutes Amendment (Stealthing and Consent) (03/11/22)
HA | 123 A - Statutes Amendment (Transport Portfolio) (10/04/24)
HA | 30 - Statutes Amendment (Use of Devices in Vehicles) (27/09/22)
HA | 145 A - Statutes Amendment (Victims of Crime) (27/08/24)
HA | 65 A - Succession (03/05/23)
HA | 161 - Summary Offences (Advertising Involvement in Offence) Amendment (12/09/24)
HA | 49 - Summary Offences (Dog Theft) Amendment (17/11/22)
HA | 120 - Summary Offences (Nazi Salute and Symbols Prohibition) Amendment (20/03/24)
HA | 69 - Summary Offences (Obstruction of Public Places) Amendment (18/05/23)
HA | 175 - Summary Offences (Unlawful Selling of Knives) Amendment (30/10/24)
HA | 3 - Superannuation Funds Management Corporation of South Australia (Investment in Russian Assets) Amendment (05/05/22)
HA | 1 - Supply (03/05/22)
HA | 62 - Supply 2023 (23/03/23)
HA | 125 - Supply 2024 (10/04/24)
HA | 79 - Supreme Court (Distribution of Business) Amendment (29/08/23)
HA | 148 A - Tobacco and E-Cigarette Products (E-Cigarette and Other Reforms) Amendment (28/08/24)
HA | 165 - Tobacco and E-Cigarette Products (Miscellaneous) Amendment (26/09/24)
HA | 53 A - Tobacco and E-Cigarette Products (Tobacco Product Prohibitions) Amendment (01/12/22)
HA | 163 - Transplantation and Anatomy (Disclosure of Information and Delegation) Amendment (26/09/24)
HA | 95 A - Veterinary Services (27/09/23)
HA | 91 A - Work Health and Safety (Industrial Manslaughter) Amendment (26/09/23)
HA | 137 - Work Health and Safety (Review Recommendations) Amendment (04/06/24)
LC | 94 - Aboriginal Heritage (Miscellaneous) Amendment (18/05/23)
LC | 120 - Adelaide University (19/10/23)
LC | 113 - Advance Care Directives (Review) Amendment (12/09/23)
LC | 241 - Animal Welfare (13/11/24)
LC | 6 - Animal Welfare (Jumps Racing) Amendment (04/05/22)
LC | 28 - Appropriation (06/07/22)
LC | 115 - Appropriation 2023 (26/09/23)
LC | 179 - Appropriation 2024 (27/08/24)
LC | 141 - Assisted Reproductive Treatment (Posthumous Use of Material and Donor Conception Register) Amendment (20/02/24)
LC | 159 - AUKUS (Land Acquisition) (10/04/24)
LC | 232 - Authorised Betting Operations (User Bans) Amendment (30/10/24)
LC | 34 - Automated External Defibrillators (Public Access) (07/09/22)
LC | 214 - Automated External Defibrillators (Public Access) (Miscellaneous) Amendment (24/09/24)
LC | 147 - Ayers House (22/02/24)
LC | 112 - Bail (Conditions) Amendment (31/08/23)
LC | 144 - Bail (Terror Suspects and Firearm Parts) Amendment (22/02/24)
LC | 196 - Biosecurity (29/08/24)
LC | 221 - Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration (Birth Certificates) Amendment (16/10/24)
LC | 57 - Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration (Tissue Donation Statements) Amendment (02/11/22)
LC | 135 - Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium (Miscellaneous) Amendment (07/02/24)
LC | 17 - Burial and Cremation (Interment Rights) Amendment (02/06/22)
LC | 14 - Cannabis Legalisation (18/05/22)
LC | 191 - Casino (Penalties) Amendment (28/08/24)
LC | 130 - Child Sex Offenders Registration (Child-Related Work) Amendment (30/11/23)
LC | 197 - Child Sex Offenders Registration (Public Register) Amendment (29/08/24)
LC | 201 - Children and Young People (Oversight and Advocacy Bodies) (Child Death and Serious Injury Review Committee) Amendment (29/08/24)
LC | 237 - Children and Young People (Safety and Support) (12/11/24)
LC | 27 - Children and Young People (Safety) (Child and Young Person's Visitor) Amendment (06/07/22)
LC | 3 - Civil Liability (BYO Containers) Amendment (04/05/22)
LC | 220 - Climate Change and Greenhouse Emissions Reduction (Miscellaneous) Amendment (15/10/24)
LC | 202 - Coast Protection (Significant Works) Amendment (29/08/24)
LC | 154 - Constitution (Countersigning) Amendment (06/03/24)
LC | 190 - Construction Industry Training Fund (Miscellaneous) Amendment (28/08/24)
LC | 138 - Controlled Substances (Destruction of Seized Property) Amendment (08/02/24)
LC | 56 - Controlled Substances (Nicotine) Amendment (02/11/22)
LC | 41 - Controlled Substances (Pure Amounts) Amendment (27/09/22)
LC | 209 - Conversion Practices Prohibition (11/09/24)
LC | 46 - Courts Administration (Miscellaneous) Amendment (28/09/22)
LC | 175 - Criminal Assets Confiscation (Miscellaneous) Amendment (06/06/24)
LC | 248 - Criminal Assets Confiscation (Review Recommendations) Amendment (06/02/25)
LC | 172 - Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) (Blood Testing) Amendment (16/05/24)
LC | 140 - Criminal Law (High Risk Offenders) (Additional High Risk Offenders) Amendment (20/02/24)
LC | 210 - Criminal Law (High Risk Offenders) (Miscellaneous) Amendment (12/09/24)
LC | 89 - Criminal Law Consolidation (Child Sexual Abuse) Amendment (04/05/23)
LC | 238 - Criminal Law Consolidation (Coercive Control) Amendment (12/11/24)
LC | 111 - Criminal Law Consolidation (Criminal Organisations - Prescribed Places) Amendment (31/08/23)
LC | 7 - Criminal Law Consolidation (Human Remains) Amendment (05/05/22)
LC | 250 - Criminal Law Consolidation (Mental Competence) Amendment (06/02/25)
LC | 160 - Criminal Law Consolidation (Recruiting Children To Commit Crime) Amendment (11/04/24)
LC | 198 - Criminal Law Consolidation (Section 20A) Amendment (29/08/24)
LC | 218 - Criminal Law Consolidation (Stalking and Harassment) Amendment (26/09/24)
LC | 60 - Criminal Procedure (Monitoring Orders) Amendment (03/11/22)
LC | 10 - Cross Border Commissioner (05/05/22)
LC | 199 - Defamation (Miscellaneous) Amendment (29/08/24)
LC | 163 - Disability Inclusion (Review Recommendations) Amendment (11/04/24)
LC | 245 - Dog and Cat Management (Breeder Reforms) Amendment (04/02/25)
LC | 150 - Education and Children's Services (Asbestos Removal) Amendment (06/03/24)
LC | 164 - Education and Children's Services (Parental Primacy) Amendment (01/05/24)
LC | 134 - Education and Children's Services (Reporting Requirements) Amendment (07/02/24)
LC | 158 - Education and Children's Services (Sports Vouchers) Amendment (10/04/24)
LC | 236 - Electoral (Accountability and Integrity) Amendment (12/11/24)
LC | 136 - Electoral (Control of Corflutes) Amendment (07/02/24)
LC | 242 - Electoral (Miscellaneous) Amendment (14/11/24)
LC | 148 - Electoral (Prohibition of Canvassing Near Polling Booths) Amendment (06/03/24)
LC | 70 - Environment Protection (Cigarette Butt Waste) Amendment (08/02/23)
LC | 97 - Environment Protection (Objects of Act and Board Attributes) Amendment (13/06/23)
LC | 65 - Equal Opportunity (Domestic Abuse) Amendment (17/11/22)
LC | 181 - Equal Opportunity (Religious Bodies) Amendment (28/08/24)
LC | 91 - Evidence (Aboriginal Traditional Laws and Customs) Amendment (04/05/23)
LC | 90 - Explosives (04/05/23)
LC | 68 - Fair Trading (Lifespan of Electrical Products) Amendment (30/11/22)
LC | 74 - Fair Work (Family and Domestic Violence Leave) Amendment (21/02/23)
LC | 227 - Fair Work (Registered Associations) Amendment (17/10/24)
LC | 73 - First Nations Voice (09/02/23)
LC | 122 - First Nations Voice Repeal (01/11/23)
LC | 32 - Food (Restrictions on Advertising Junk Food) Amendment (07/09/22)
LC | 80 - Forfeiture (23/02/23)
LC | 167 - Freedom of Information (Greyhound Racing) Amendment (01/05/24)
LC | 16 - Freedom of Information (Ministerial Diaries) Amendment (01/06/22)
LC | 129 - Freedom of Information (Miscellaneous) Amendment (29/11/23)
LC | 187 - Gambling Administration (Limitation on Advertising) Amendment (28/08/24)
LC | 31 - Gas (Ban on New Connections) Amendment (07/09/22)
LC | 125 - Gas (Other Gases) Amendment (01/11/23)
LC | 13 - Gender Equality (18/05/22)
LC | 72 - Gene Technology (Adoption of Commonwealth Amendments) Amendment (08/02/23)
LC | 180 - Government Advertising (28/08/24)
LC | 228 - Greyhound Industry Reform Inspector (17/10/24)
LC | 64 - Health Care (Acquisition of Property) Amendment (17/11/22)
LC | 84 - Health Care (Ambulance Response Targets) Amendment (22/03/23)
LC | 2 - Heritage Places (Adelaide Park Lands) Amendment (04/05/22)
LC | 107 - Heritage Places (Protection of State Heritage Places) Amendment (30/08/23)
LC | 224 - Highways (Works for Residential Developments) Amendment (16/10/24)
LC | 121 - Hydrogen and Renewable Energy (19/10/23)
LC | 183 - Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC Recommendations) Amendment (28/08/24)
LC | 184 - Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC Recommendations) Amendment (28/08/24)
LC | 206 - Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC Recommendations) Amendment (11/09/24)
LC | 235 - Independent Commission Against Corruption (Miscellaneous) Amendment (31/10/24)
LC | 78 - Independent Office of Animal Welfare (22/02/23)
LC | 146 - Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) (Section 31 Offences) Amendment (22/02/24)
LC | 170 - Judicial Conduct Commissioner (Miscellaneous) Amendment (16/05/24)
LC | 149 - Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) (Building Inspections) Amendment (06/03/24)
LC | 188 - Late Payment of Government Debts (Interest) (Review) Amendment (28/08/24)
LC | 59 - Livestock (Emergency Animal Disease) Amendment (03/11/22)
LC | 79 - Local Government (Casual Vacancies) Amendment (22/02/23)
LC | 40 - Local Government (Defaulting Council) Amendment (08/09/22)
LC | 239 - Local Government (Elections) (Australian Citizen and Compulsory Voting) Amendment (13/11/24)
LC | 152 - Local Government (Elections) (Display and Publication of Valid Nominations) Amendment (06/03/24)
LC | 102 - Local Government (Rateable Land) Amendment (28/06/23)
LC | 193 - Local Nuisance and Litter Control (Miscellaneous) Amendment (28/08/24)
LC | 36 - Magistrates Court (Nunga Court) Amendment (08/09/22)
LC | 142 - Members of Parliament (Register of Interests) (Water Entitlements) Amendment (21/02/24)
LC | 15 - Mining (Environmental Impact of Private Mines) Amendment (01/06/22)
LC | 252 - Motor Vehicles (Disability Parking Permit Scheme) Amendment (06/02/25)
LC | 55 - Motor Vehicles (Electric Vehicle Levy) Amendment Repeal (01/11/22)
LC | 212 - Motor Vehicles (Motor Driving Instructors and Authorised Examiners) Amendment (12/09/24)
LC | 213 - Motor Vehicles (Previous Offences) Amendment (12/09/24)
LC | 71 - National Electricity (South Australia) (Ministerial Reliability Instrument) Amendment (08/02/23)
LC | 243 - National Electricity (South Australia) (Orderly Exit Management Framework) Amendment (26/11/24)
LC | 48 - National Electricity Law (South Australia) (Consumer Data Right) Amendment (28/09/22)
LC | 81 - National Gas (South Australia) (East Coast Gas System) Amendment (23/02/23)
LC | 20 - National Gas (South Australia) (Market Transparency) Amendment (14/06/22)
LC | 30 - National Parks and Wildlife (Wombat Burrows) Amendment (07/09/22)
LC | 42 - Native Vegetation (Revegetation Projects Register) Amendment (28/09/22)
LC | 52 - New Women's and Children's Hospital (20/10/22)
LC | 103 - New Women's and Children's Hospital (Relocation of SA Police Facilities) Amendment (28/06/23)
LC | 231 - Office for Early Childhood Development (29/10/24)
LC | 155 - Parliament (Joint Services) (Clerks) Amendment (20/03/24)
LC | 151 - Parliamentary Committees (06/03/24)
LC | 143 - Parliamentary Committees (Referral of Petitions) Amendment (21/02/24)
LC | 133 - Parliamentary Committees (Response to Reports) Amendment (07/02/24)
LC | 139 - Pastoral Land Management and Conservation (Use of Pastoral Land) Amendment (08/02/24)
LC | 177 - Pet Food (Marketing and Labelling) (19/06/24)
LC | 126 - Petroleum and Geothermal Energy (Energy Resources) Amendment (02/11/23)
LC | 99 - Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Adelaide Park Lands) Amendment (14/06/23)
LC | 110 - Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Affordable Housing) Amendment (30/08/23)
LC | 192 - Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Designated Live Music Venues and Protection of Crown and Anchor Hotel) Amendment (28/08/24)
LC | 4 - Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Gas Infrastructure) Amendment (04/05/22)
LC | 33 - Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Use of Vacant Land) Amendment (07/09/22)
LC | 203 - Plastic Shopping Bags (Waste Avoidance) Repeal (29/08/24)
LC | 39 - Plebiscite (South East Council Amalgamation) (08/09/22)
LC | 204 - Portable Long Service Leave (29/08/24)
LC | 230 - Preventive Health SA (29/10/24)
LC | 47 - Private Parking Areas (Shopping Centre Parking Areas) Amendment (28/09/22)
LC | 117 - Public Assemblies (Miscellaneous) Amendment (27/09/23)
LC | 63 - Public Finance and Audit (Auditor-General Access to Cabinet Submissions) Amendment (16/11/22)
LC | 207 - Public Finance and Audit (Cash Payments) Amendment (11/09/24)
LC | 222 - Public Finance and Audit (Fossil Fuel Sponsorships) Amendment (16/10/24)
LC | 127 - Public Holidays (16/11/23)
LC | 76 - Public Sector (Ministerial Travel Reports) Amendment (22/02/23)
LC | 92 - Rail Safety National Law (South Australia) (Fees) Amendment (04/05/23)
LC | 54 - Rail Safety National Law (South Australia) (Miscellaneous) Amendment (01/11/22)
LC | 182 - Residential Tenancies (Minimum Standards) Amendment (28/08/24)
LC | 128 - Residential Tenancies (Miscellaneous) Amendment (16/11/23)
LC | 88 - Residential Tenancies (Protection of Prospective Tenants) Amendment (02/05/23)
LC | 25 - Residential Tenancies (Rent Control) Amendment (06/07/22)
LC | 166 - Residential Tenancies (Rent Freeze) Amendment (01/05/24)
LC | 208 - Retirement Villages (Miscellaneous) Amendment (11/09/24)
LC | 162 - Return to Work (Employment and Progressive Injuries) Amendment (11/04/24)
LC | 18 - Return to Work (Permanent Impairment Assessment) Amendment (02/06/22)
LC | 85 - Return to Work (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) Amendment (22/03/23)
LC | 226 - Return to Work (Presumptive Firefighter Injuries) Amendment (17/10/24)
LC | 24 - Return to Work (Scheme Sustainability) Amendment (16/06/22)
LC | 86 - Return to Work Corporation of South Australia (Constitution of Board of Management) Amendment (23/03/23)
LC | 37 - Return to Work Corporation of South Australia (Constitution of Board) Amendment (08/09/22)
LC | 233 - Road Traffic (Penalties for Certain Offences with Child in Vehicle) Amendment (30/10/24)
LC | 153 - Second-hand Vehicle Dealers (Miscellaneous) Amendment (06/03/24)
LC | 244 - Second-hand Vehicle Dealers (Roadworthiness Certificates) Amendment (27/11/24)
LC | 157 - Sentencing (Serious Child Sex Offenders) Amendment (21/03/24)
LC | 35 - Shop Trading Hours (Extension of Hours) Amendment (08/09/22)
LC | 118 - Social Workers Registration (Commencement) Amendment (28/09/23)
LC | 171 - South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (Miscellaneous) Amendment (16/05/24)
LC | 21 - South Australian Motor Sport (Miscellaneous) Amendment (14/06/22)
LC | 123 - South Australian Motor Sport (Parklands) Amendment (01/11/23)
LC | 11 - South Australian Public Health (COVID-19) Amendment (05/05/22)
LC | 119 - Spent Convictions (Part 8A Findings) Amendment (28/09/23)
LC | 1 - State Assets (Privatisation Restrictions) (04/05/22)
LC | 234 - Statutes Amendment (Administrative Review Tribunal) (31/10/24)
LC | 67 - Statutes Amendment (Animal Welfare Reforms) (30/11/22)
LC | 29 - Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio and Other Justice Measures) (06/09/22)
LC | 251 - Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio and Other Justice Measures) (06/02/25)
LC | 8 - Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) (05/05/22)
LC | 168 - Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) (02/05/24)
LC | 44 - Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) (No 2) (28/09/22)
LC | 62 - Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) (No 3) (03/11/22)
LC | 101 - Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) (No 4) (15/06/23)
LC | 116 - Statutes Amendment (Budget Measures) (26/09/23)
LC | 189 - Statutes Amendment (Budget Measures) 2024 (28/08/24)
LC | 9 - Statutes Amendment (Child Sex Offences) (05/05/22)
LC | 82 - Statutes Amendment (Children in Care) (08/03/23)
LC | 45 - Statutes Amendment (Civil Enforcement) (28/09/22)
LC | 211 - Statutes Amendment (Claim Farming) (12/09/24)
LC | 200 - Statutes Amendment (Criminal Proceedings) (29/08/24)
LC | 87 - Statutes Amendment (Education, Training and Skills Portfolio) (23/03/23)
LC | 185 - Statutes Amendment (Gambling—Mandatory Pre-Commitment System) (28/08/24)
LC | 186 - Statutes Amendment (Gambling—Opening Hours and Signage) (28/08/24)
LC | 100 - Statutes Amendment (Identity Theft) (15/06/23)
LC | 137 - Statutes Amendment (Industrial Relations Portfolio) (07/02/24)
LC | 246 - Statutes Amendment (Legal Profession Review Recommendations) (05/02/25)
LC | 69 - Statutes Amendment (Loss of Fetus) (30/11/22)
LC | 77 - Statutes Amendment (Medicinal Cannabis Defence) (22/02/23)
LC | 194 - Statutes Amendment (National Energy Laws) (Data Access) (28/08/24)
LC | 106 - Statutes Amendment (National Energy Laws) (Emissions Reduction Objectives) (29/08/23)
LC | 49 - Statutes Amendment (National Energy Laws) (Gas Pipelines) (18/10/22)
LC | 124 - Statutes Amendment (National Energy Laws) (Other Gases) (01/11/23)
LC | 156 - Statutes Amendment (National Energy Laws) (Wholesale Market Monitoring) (20/03/24)
LC | 50 - Statutes Amendment (National Energy Laws)(Regulatory Sandboxing) (18/10/22)
LC | 114 - Statutes Amendment (Ombudsman and Auditor-General) (14/09/23)
LC | 216 - Statutes Amendment (Parliament—Executive Officer and Clerks) (24/09/24)
LC | 205 - Statutes Amendment (Personal Mobility Devices) (29/08/24)
LC | 131 - Statutes Amendment (Public Trustee and Litigation Guardian) (30/11/23)
LC | 66 - Statutes Amendment (Serious Vehicle and Vessel Offences) (30/11/22)
LC | 174 - Statutes Amendment (Sex Industry—Exit Strategies and Spent Convictions) (05/06/24)
LC | 83 - Statutes Amendment (Sexual Offences) (09/03/23)
LC | 219 - Statutes Amendment (Small Business Commission and Retail and Commercial Leases) (15/10/24)
LC | 145 - Statutes Amendment (South Australian Employment Tribunal) (22/02/24)
LC | 43 - Statutes Amendment (Stealthing and Consent) (28/09/22)
LC | 195 - Statutes Amendment (Transport Portfolio) (28/08/24)
LC | 75 - Statutes Amendment (Universities) (22/02/23)
LC | 53 - Statutes Amendment (Use of Devices in Vehicles) (20/10/22)
LC | 161 - Statutes Amendment (Victim Impact Statements) (11/04/24)
LC | 51 - Succession (20/10/22)
LC | 165 - Summary Offences (Advertising Involvement in Offence) Amendment (01/05/24)
LC | 225 - Summary Offences (Artificially Generated Content) Amendment (17/10/24)
LC | 61 - Summary Offences (Dog Theft) Amendment (03/11/22)
LC | 176 - Summary Offences (Invasive Images and Depictions) Amendment (19/06/24)
LC | 247 - Summary Offences (Knives and Other Weapons) Amendment (06/02/25)
LC | 132 - Summary Offences (Nazi Salute and Symbols Prohibition) Amendment (30/11/23)
LC | 23 - Summary Offences (Nazi Symbol Prohibition) Amendment (15/06/22)
LC | 95 - Summary Offences (Obstruction of Public Places) Amendment (18/05/23)
LC | 249 - Summary Offences (Prohibition of Publication of Certain Material) Amendment (06/02/25)
LC | 109 - Summary Offences (Prostitution Law Reform) Amendment (30/08/23)
LC | 98 - Summary Offences (Reversal of Section 58 Amendments) Amendment (14/06/23)
LC | 240 - Summary Offences (Terrorist Organisation Symbols) Amendment (13/11/24)
LC | 38 - Superannuation Funds Management Corporation of South Australia (Investment in Russian Assets) Amendment (08/09/22)
LC | 19 - Supply (02/06/22)
LC | 96 - Supply (31/05/23)
LC | 169 - Supply 2024 (15/05/24)
LC | 93 - Supreme Court (Distribution of Business) Amendment (18/05/23)
LC | 223 - Surveillance Devices (Prescribed Residential Premises) Amendment (16/10/24)
LC | 217 - Termination of Pregnancy (Terminations and Live Births) Amendment (25/09/24)
LC | 215 - Tobacco and E-Cigarette Products (E-Cigarette and Other Reforms) Amendment (24/09/24)
LC | 12 - Tobacco and E-Cigarette Products (Importing and Packing of Tobacco Products) Amendment (18/05/22)
LC | 178 - Tobacco and E-Cigarette Products (Miscellaneous) Amendment (19/06/24)
LC | 58 - Tobacco and E-Cigarette Products (Tobacco Product Prohibitions) Amendment (02/11/22)
LC | 229 - Transplantation and Anatomy (Disclosure of Information and Delegation) Amendment (17/10/24)
LC | 104 - Veterinary Services (06/07/23)
LC | 108 - Victims of Crime (Compensation) Amendment (30/08/23)
LC | 22 - Work Health and Safety (Crystalline Silica Dust) Amendment (15/06/22)
LC | 5 - Work Health and Safety (Industrial Manslaughter) Amendment (04/05/22)
LC | 105 - Work Health and Safety (Industrial Manslaughter) Amendment (06/07/23)
LC | 173 - Work Health and Safety (Review Recommendations) Amendment (16/05/24)
LC | 26 - Young Offenders (Age of Criminal Responsibility) Amendment (06/07/22)
HA - 100th Report - Morphett Vale Odour Management Project (14/11/24)
HA - 101st Report - New Mount Barker Hospital Project – Enabling and Early Works Package (14/11/24)
HA - 102nd Report - Naracoorte Health Service Upgrade (14/11/24)
HA - 103rd Report - Healthy Coorong, Healthy Basin Program – Tolderol Game Reserve Wetlands On-Ground Works Project (14/11/24)
HA - 104th Report - SANFL West Lakes Talent and Community Facility (28/11/24)
HA - 105 Report - Mount Barker and Verdun Interchange Upgrades (28/11/24)
HA - 106 Report - Kangaroo Island Health Service Infrastructure Upgrade and New Workforce Accommodation (28/11/24)
HA - 107th Report - South Australia Police Barracks Relocation Project Gepps Cross - Band (06/02/25)
HA - 108th Report - emPowering SA Community Batteries Project (06/02/25)
HA - 109th Report - Moana Growth Project (06/02/25)
HA - 10th Report - Roma Mitchell House (136 North Terrace, Adelaide) (17/11/22)
HA - 110th Report - Adelaide Women's Prison New 40 Bed Secure Accommodation and Supporting Infrastructure (06/02/25)
HA - 111th Report - Yatala Labour Prison New 312 Bed Redevelopment and Supporting Infrastructure (06/02/25)
HA - 11th Report - East Grand Trunkway, Stages 2A and 2B (17/11/22)
HA - 12th Report - Ethelton Railway Station Platforms Replacement Project (01/12/22)
HA - 13th Report - Augusta Highway Junction Upgrade (Horrocks Pass Road, Winninowie) (01/12/22)
HA - 14th Report - Princes Highway (Drain L) Culvert Replacement Project (09/02/23)
HA - 15th Report - Bookmark Creek Project (09/02/23)
HA - 16th Report - Bolivar Wastewater Water Treatment Plant Inlet Works Upgrade (09/02/23)
HA - 17th Report - Lyell McEwen Hospital 48 Bed Expansion (09/02/23)
HA - 18th Report - Lefevre Peninsula Upgrade (09/02/23)
HA - 19th Report - Truro Bypass Project (09/02/23)
HA - 1st Report - Adelaide Metropolitan Beaches Fact-Finding Visit 22 August 2022 (20/10/22)
HA - 1st Report - Briefing Report on the Disposal of PFAS Contaminated Waste in South Australia. (14/09/23)
HA - 1st Report - Cadell Training Centre (New Dairy Complex) (07/07/22)
HA - 1st Report - Changes to Standing Orders (09/03/23)
HA - 1st Report - Emergency Services Levy 2022-23 (07/07/22)
HA - 1st Report - Report into the Referral of the Work Health and Safety (Crystalline Silica Dust) Amendment Bill (16/05/24)
HA - 20th Report - Findon Technical College (09/03/23)
HA - 21st Report - Flinders Medical Centre Medical Imaging Expansion and Repat health Precinct Geriatric Evaluation and Management Service Development (23/02/23)
HA - 22nd Report - Breastscreen SA Relocation Works (23/02/23)
HA - 23rd Report - Warren Dam Outlet Works Reliability Project (23/02/23)
HA - 24th Report - South Australian Sports Institute New Work (23/02/23)
HA - 25th Report - Majors Road Intersection Upgrade (09/03/23)
HA - 26th report - South Australia Police APY Police Post Construction (23/03/23)
HA - 27th Report - Sir Samuel Way Building Facade Repairs Project (04/05/23)
HA - 28th Report - Yankalilla Growth Stage 2 Project (04/05/23)
HA - 29th Report - Leigh Creek Health Clinic (01/06/23)
HA - 2nd Report - Inquiry into Embedded Networks in South Australia (20/10/22)
HA - 2nd Report - Inquiry into the Urban Forest - Interim Report (19/10/23)
HA - 2nd Report - Patawalonga South Gates Upgrade (08/09/22)
HA - 2nd Report - Riverland Fact-Finding Visit 7-9 November 2022 (23/03/23)
HA - 30th Report - New Edwardstown Ambulance Station
HA - 31st Report - New Norwood Ambulance Station (14/09/23)
HA - 32nd Report - New Woodville Ambulance Station (28/09/23)
HA - 33rd Report - Flinders Medical Centre New 20-Bed Inpatient Ward (02/11/23)
HA - 34th Report - Port Augusta Prison Bluebush and Greenbush Accommodation Upgrades (16/11/23)
HA - 35th Report - Bolivar Wastewater Treatment Plant Essential Services Switchboard Upgrade (16/11/23)
HA - 36th Report - Healthy Coorong, Healthy Basin Program, Teringie Wetland On-Ground Works Project (16/11/23)
HA - 37th Report - South Australia Police Barracks Relocation Project – Gepps Cross (16/11/23)
HA - 38th Report - South Australia Police Barracks – 199 Grenfell Street Adelaide (16/11/23)
HA - 39th Report - South Australia Police Barracks – Specialist Investigations Unit Relocation Project (16/11/23)
HA - 3rd Report - Belair National Park Fact-Finding Visit, 2 March 2023 (18/05/23)
HA - 3rd Report - Emergency Services Levy 2023-24 (31/08/23)
HA - 3rd Report - Women's and Children's Hospital Upgrade Sustainment Program - Addendum (08/09/22)
HA - 40th Report - 2022-2023 Annual Report (16/11/23)
HA - 41st Report - Pimpala Primary School Redevelopment (16/11/23)
HA - 42nd Report - Thebarton Aquatic Centre Refurbishment (08/02/24)
HA - 43rd Report - Nailsworth Primary School Redevelopment (08/02/24)
HA - 44th Report - Margaret Tobin Centre - Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit Expansion (08/02/24)
HA - 45th Report - Adelaide Aquatic Centre Redevelopment (08/02/24)
HA - 46th Report - Inquiry into the Impact of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (30/11/23)
HA - 46th Report - Roma Mitchell Secondary College Redevelopment (08/02/24)
HA - 47th Report - Noarlunga Hospital - Mental Health Rehabilitation and Inpatient Unit Expansion
HA - 47th Report - Petition No. 96 of 2021: Funding for Children and Students with Additional Learning Needs in Public Schools and Preschools (06/06/24)
HA - 48th Report - Amendments to the National Health and Medical Research Council Ethical Guidelines on the use of Assisted Reproductive Technolgy in Clinical Practice and Research (27/06/24)
HA - 48th Report - Rebuilt Mount Barker Ambulance Station (22/02/24)
HA - 49th Report - Rebuilt Victor Harbor Ambulance Station (22/02/24)
HA - 4th Report - An Inquiry into the North-South Corridor - Torrens to Darlington Tunnels- Final Report (08/09/22)
HA - 4th Report - Emergency Services Levy 2024-25 (12/09/24)
HA - 4th Report - Innamincka and Moomba Fact-Finding Visit (07/03/24)
HA - 50th Report - Tram Grade Separation Projects - Marion Road - Anzac Highway to Cross Road (22/02/24)
HA - 51st Report - Crafers Park 'n' Ride Project (22/02/24)
HA - 52nd Report - Seaview Downs Primary School Redevelopment (22/02/24)
HA - 53rd Report - South Australian Police Barracks Relocation Project - City Staging (22/02/24)
HA - 54th Report - Tilley Recreation Park Development (07/03/24)
HA - 55th Report - South Australian Produce Markets Post-Harvest Biosecurity Precinct Project (07/03/24)
HA - 56th Report - Lower Brown Hill Creek Capacity Upgrades (21/03/24)
HA - 57th Report - North South Corridor Torrens to Darlington Project (11/04/24)
HA - 58th Report - Tonsley Technical College (11/04/24)
HA - 59th Report - Port Augusta Technical College (11/04/24)
HA - 5th Report - An Inquiry into the Intersection Works and Compulsory Acquisition (08/09/22)
HA - 5th Report - Biochar (21/03/24)
HA - 60th Report - The Heights Technical College (11/04/24)
HA - 61st Report - Modbury Hospital Health Precinct (02/05/24)
HA - 62nd Report - New Women's and Children's Hospital Early Works Package (02/05/24)
HA - 63rd Report - Kapunda High School Redevelopment (02/05/24)
HA - 64th Report - Marion Road and Sir Donald Bradman Drive Intersection Upgrade (02/05/24)
HA - 65th Report - South Australia Police Barracks Relocation Project – Road Safety Centre (02/05/24)
HA - 66th Report - Southern Fleurieu Health Service (Victor Harbor) Emergency Department Redevelopment (02/05/24)
HA - 67th Report - Gawler And District Netball Association Court Redevelopment (02/05/24)
HA - 68th Report - Port Elliot Growth Project (16/05/24)
HA - 69th Report - New Golden Grove Ambulance Station (16/05/24)
HA - 6th Report - Inquiry into Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) in Primary Production (06/02/25)
HA - 6th Report - RSPCA Animal Care Centre Submission For New Facility - Glenthorne National Park (20/10/22)
HA - 70th Report - Intermediate Remediation of the Lower Murray Reclaimed Irrigation Area Levees (16/05/24)
HA - 71st Report - SA Aquatic and Leisure Centre Renewal Works (06/06/24)
HA - 72nd Report - Taplan Elevated Water Project (06/06/24)
HA - 73rd Report - SA Ambulance Service New Headquarters and Adelaide Ambulance Station (06/06/24)
HA - 74th Report - Queen Elizabeth Hospital Mental Health Rehabilitation Unit
HA - 75th Report - Flinders Medical Centre Upgrade and Expansion (06/06/24)
HA - 76th Report - Monarto Augmentation Pump Stations Program (27/06/24)
HA - 77th Report - Pimbaacla Water Tank Project (27/06/24)
HA - 78th Report - Flood Recovery Projects - Northern Areas (27/06/24)
HA - 79th Report - Gawler State Emergency Service Unit (27/06/24)
HA - 7th Report - New Port Augusta Ambulance Station (20/10/22)
HA - 7th Report - Report into the Operation of the Police Complaints and Discipline Act 2016 (SA) (11/04/24)
HA - 80th Report - Whyalla Hospital and Health Service Emergency Department Upgrade (27/06/24)
HA - 81st Report - Mount Gambier and Districts Health Service Redevelopment (29/08/24)
HA - 82nd Report - Lyndoch Recreation Park Redevelopment (29/08/24)
HA - 83rd Report - Victor Harbor Road Safety Improvements - Hindmarsh Tiers Road and Virgin Road Intersection Upgrade (29/08/24)
HA - 84th Report - Mount Gambier Technical College (29/08/24)
HA - 85th Report - Healthy Coorong, Healthy Basin Program - Lake Hawdon North Regulator On-Ground Works Project (29/08/24)
HA - 86th Report - Rebuilt Gawler Ambulance Station (29/08/24)
HA - 87th Report - South Australia Police Barracks Relocation Project – Police Operations Centre (12/09/24)
HA - 88th Report - Deeper Maintenance and Modification Facility (12/09/24)
HA - 89th Report - Bridge Road and Wynn Vale Drive Junction Upgrade (12/09/24)
HA - 8th Report - Noarlunga State Emergency Service Unit (03/11/22)
HA - 90th Report - Greater Seaton Renewal Project (12/09/24)
HA - 91st Report - Noarlunga Downs / Port Noarlunga Project (26/09/24)
HA - 92nd Report - The Outback Highway Flood Recovery Works (26/09/24)
HA - 93rd Report - Barossa Trunk Main (Bentley Road) Project (26/09/24)
HA - 94th Report - Ceduna Supply System and Tanks Rationalisation Project (26/09/24)
HA - 95th Report - Tucker Street Apartment Project (17/10/24)
HA - 96th Report - Affordable Housing – Direct Delivery Apartments Lot 51 Bowden, Lot 18 And 59 Prospect (26/09/24)
HA - 97th Report - Rebuilt Campbelltown Ambulance Station (26/09/24)
HA - 98th Report - Port Pirie Regional Health Service Emergency Department Redevelopment (17/10/24)
HA - 99th Report - Construction of Water and Wastewater Infrastructure to Enable Metropolitan Growth - Tranche 1 (17/10/24)
HA - 9th Report - Adelaide Botantic High School Expansion (17/11/22)
HA - Access to Urinary Tract Infection Treatment (01/12/22)
HA - Address in Reply (04/05/22)
HA - Address to the King - Death of Queen Elizabeth the Second (20/09/22)
HA - Adelaide Festival Centre Anniversary (13/09/23)
HA - Adelaide Fringe Festival (07/02/24)
HA - Adelaide Giants (03/05/23)
HA - Adelaide Marathon Festival (28/08/24)
HA - Adelaide Thunderbirds (31/08/23)
HA - Adjournment Debate (02/06/22)
HA - Adjournment Debate (29/05/23)
HA - Adjournment Debate (15/06/23)
HA - Adjournment Debate (06/06/24)
HA - Adjournment Debate (28/11/24)
HA - Adoption of Sessional Orders (16/11/23)
HA - Agriculture Industry (20/03/24)
HA - Altavilla Irpina Sports and Social Club (10/04/24)
HA - Alteration to Standing Order No 39 - Prayers and Acknowledgement of Country (06/09/22)
HA - Ambulance Ramping (22/02/23)
HA - Ambulance Ramping (01/05/24)
HA - Annual Report 2021-2022 - Aboriginal Lands (03/11/22)
HA - Annual Report 2022-2023 - Aboriginal Lands (02/11/23)
HA - ANZAC Day (03/05/23)
HA - Appointment of Members - Aboriginal Lands Committee (03/05/22)
HA - Appointment of Members - Crime and Public Integrity Policy Committee (03/05/22)
HA - Appointment of Members - Economic and Finance Committee (03/05/22)
HA - Appointment of Members - Environment Resources and Development Committee (03/05/22)
HA - Appointment of Members - Joint Parliamentary Service Committee (03/05/22)
HA - Appointment of Members - Legislative Review Committee (03/05/22)
HA - Appointment of Members - Natural Resources Committee (03/05/22)
HA - Appointment of Members - Parliamentary Occupational Safety and Rehabilitation Committee (03/05/22)
HA - Appointment of Members - Public Works Committee (03/05/22)
HA - Appointment of Members - Publishing Committee (03/05/22)
HA - Appointment of Members - Social Development Committee (03/05/22)
HA - Appointment of Members - Standing Orders Committee (03/05/22)
HA - Appointment of Members - Statutory Officers Committee (03/05/22)
HA - Armenian Genocide Day of Remembrance (19/05/22)
HA - Arnold, Peter Bruce, Hon (26/11/24)
HA - Attack on Israel by Hamas (17/10/23)
HA - Auditor-General Report 2022 - Examination of Ministers (20/10/22)
HA - Auditor-General Report 2023 - Examination of Ministers (19/10/23)
HA - Auditor-General Report 2024 - Examination of Ministers (29/10/24)
HA - Australian Hotels Association (01/11/23)
HA - Australian of the Year Awards (14/06/23)
HA - Bickfords Australia Anniversary (28/08/24)
HA - Biosecurity (30/10/24)
HA - Buckland Park Intersection (02/11/22)
HA - Burial and Cremation (Surrender on Interment Rights) Variation Regulations 2021 (02/11/23)
HA - Cameron, Terry Gordon Hon (28/09/22)
HA - Cashmore, Jennifer Lilian, Hon (27/06/24)
HA - CFMEU (16/10/24)
HA - Children in State Care Apology Anniversary (14/06/23)
HA - Cleland National Park (15/11/23)
HA - Climate Change - Panel Report (31/05/22)
HA - Clontarf Foundation (25/09/24)
HA - Clubs SA (15/05/24)
HA - Commonwealth Games (08/09/22)
HA - Controlled Substances (Youth Treatment Orders) Regulations 2021 (02/11/23)
HA - Coronation of King Charles III (03/05/23)
HA - COVID-19 Direction Accountability and Oversight Committee Report (23/02/23)
HA - Diwali Festival (30/10/24)
HA - Doig, Jason Christopher, Brevet Sergeant (28/11/23)
HA - Early Childhood Educators Day (11/09/24)
HA - Evans, Andrew Lee Dr OAM (30/05/23)
HA - Festa della Repubblica (05/06/24)
HA - FIFA Women's World Cup (31/08/23)
HA - Final Report (28/09/23)
HA - First Nations Voice to Parliament (16/11/22)
HA - Flinders Medical Centre (16/11/22)
HA - Foster and Kinship Carer Week (30/08/23)
HA - Friends of Parks SA (20/03/24)
HA - Gender Equality (19/06/24)
HA - Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Community and Parish of Prophet Elias (11/09/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (03/05/22)
HA - Grievance Debate (04/05/22)
HA - Grievance Debate (05/05/22)
HA - Grievance Debate (17/05/22)
HA - Grievance Debate (18/05/22)
HA - Grievance Debate (19/05/22)
HA - Grievance Debate (31/05/22)
HA - Grievance Debate (01/06/22)
HA - Grievance Debate (14/06/22)
HA - Grievance Debate (15/06/22)
HA - Grievance Debate (16/06/22)
HA - Grievance Debate (05/07/22)
HA - Grievance Debate (06/07/22)
HA - Grievance Debate (07/07/22)
HA - Grievance Debate (06/09/22)
HA - Grievance Debate (07/09/22)
HA - Grievance Debate (08/09/22)
HA - Grievance Debate (27/09/22)
HA - Grievance Debate (28/09/22)
HA - Grievance Debate (18/10/22)
HA - Grievance Debate (19/10/22)
HA - Grievance Debate (20/10/22)
HA - Grievance Debate (01/11/22)
HA - Grievance Debate (02/11/22)
HA - Grievance Debate (03/11/22)
HA - Grievance Debate (15/11/22)
HA - Grievance Debate (16/11/22)
HA - Grievance Debate (17/11/22)
HA - Grievance Debate (29/11/22)
HA - Grievance Debate (30/11/22)
HA - Grievance Debate (01/12/22)
HA - Grievance Debate (07/02/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (08/02/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (09/02/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (21/02/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (22/02/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (23/02/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (07/03/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (08/03/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (09/03/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (21/03/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (22/03/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (23/03/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (02/05/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (03/05/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (04/05/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (16/05/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (17/05/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (18/05/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (30/05/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (31/05/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (01/06/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (13/06/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (14/06/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (27/06/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (28/06/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (06/07/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (29/08/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (30/08/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (31/08/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (12/09/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (13/09/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (14/09/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (26/09/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (27/09/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (28/09/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (17/10/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (18/10/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (19/10/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (31/10/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (01/11/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (02/11/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (14/11/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (15/11/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (16/11/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (28/11/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (29/11/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (30/11/23)
HA - Grievance Debate (06/02/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (07/02/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (08/02/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (20/02/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (21/02/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (22/02/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (05/03/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (06/03/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (07/03/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (19/03/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (20/03/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (21/03/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (09/04/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (10/04/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (11/04/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (30/04/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (01/05/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (02/05/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (14/05/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (15/05/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (16/05/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (04/06/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (05/06/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (18/06/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (19/06/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (27/06/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (27/08/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (28/08/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (29/08/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (10/09/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (11/09/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (12/09/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (24/09/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (25/09/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (26/09/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (15/10/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (16/10/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (17/10/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (29/10/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (30/10/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (31/10/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (12/11/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (13/11/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (14/11/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (26/11/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (27/11/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (28/11/24)
HA - Grievance Debate (04/02/25)
HA - Grievance Debate (05/02/25)
HA - Grievance Debate (06/02/25)
HA - Hall, Raymond Steele (19/06/24)
HA - Harmony Week 2024 (20/03/24)
HA - Health Infrastructure (17/05/23)
HA - Hindmarsh Stadium Upgrade (22/03/23)
HA - Hogan, Ms M. (03/05/23)
HA - Homelessness Week (07/09/22)
HA - House of Assembly Petition No. 50 of 55/1 – Western Hospital at Henley Beach (16/05/24)
HA - House of Assembly Petition No. 96 - School and Preschool Funding for Children and Students with Additional Needs (08/09/22)
HA - Hydrogen Sector (15/06/22)
HA - Infrastructure Investment Program (06/03/24)
HA - Inquiry into Aboriginal Governance (01/12/22)
HA - Inquiry Into Aboriginal Heritage - Final Report (31/08/23)
HA - Inquiry into Local Government Land By-laws - Public Conveniences (20/10/22)
HA - Interim Report of the Joint Committee on the Legalisation of Medicinal Cannabis (28/11/24)
HA - International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (19/10/22)
HA - International Day for Solidarity with the Palestinian people (29/11/23)
HA - International Day of People with Disability (30/11/22)
HA - International Day Of Sign Languages (25/09/24)
HA - International Firefighters' Day (01/06/22)
HA - International Firefighters’ Day 2024 (01/05/24)
HA - International Holocaust Remembrance Day (07/02/24)
HA - International Paramedics Day (28/06/23)
HA - International Volunteer Day (08/02/23)
HA - International Volunteer Day 2024 (29/11/23)
HA - International Women's Day (08/03/23)
HA - Islamic Community (03/05/23)
HA - Joint Committee on AUKUS Agreement (23/03/23)
HA - Joint Committee on the Establishment of Adelaide University (06/07/23)
HA - Joint Committee on the Legalisation of Medicinal Cannabis (23/02/23)
HA - Joint Committee on the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Veterinarians in South Australia (14/11/24)
HA - Kanyini Mission (30/10/24)
HA - King's Birthday Honours (16/10/24)
HA - Literacy Guarantee Unit (29/11/23)
HA - Local Government Land for the District Council of Mt Remarkable -Motion for Disallowance. (06/07/23)
HA - Lot Fourteen (30/11/22)
HA - Lot Fourteen (31/05/23)
HA - Lunar New Year (05/02/25)
HA - Marine Rescue (18/10/23)
HA - Medicinal Cannabis (19/10/22)
HA - Medicinal Cannabis (30/08/23)
HA - Membership - COVID-19 Direction Accountability and Oversight Committee (02/06/22)
HA - Memorial Drive (05/06/24)
HA - Mid-Autumn Festival (11/09/24)
HA - Minister for Health and Wellbeing - No Confidence (04/06/24)
HA - Morocco Earthquake (13/09/23)
HA - Multicultural Communities of Council of South Australia (18/10/23)
HA - Nankivell, William Field, Mr (27/06/24)
HA - National Corrections Day (08/02/23)
HA - National Disability Insurance Scheme (17/05/22)
HA - National Family Business Day (28/09/22)
HA - National Police Remembrance Day (28/09/22)
HA - National Police Remembrance Day (25/09/24)
HA - National Reconciliation Week (01/06/22)
HA - National Science Week (30/08/23)
HA - National Skills Agreement (16/10/24)
HA - National Sorry Day (31/05/23)
HA - No Confidence in Minister of Health and Wellbeing (23/03/23)
HA - Nuclear Energy (19/06/24)
HA - O'Donohue Lowiitja Dr AC CBE (09/04/24)
HA - Osbourne Naval Shipyard (21/02/24)
HA - Oxenham OAM, Ms H (30/10/24)
HA - OzAsia Festival (18/10/23)
HA - Palestine (16/11/22)
HA - Patient Assistance Transport Scheme (06/03/24)
HA - Payroll Tax (05/06/24)
HA - Petition No. 45 - Narungga Rural and Regional Health Care - Referral to the Economic and Finance Committee (12/09/24)
HA - Phonics Check (27/11/24)
HA - Police (Police Security Officers) Amendment Regulations (02/11/23)
HA - Power Networks (28/09/22)
HA - Power Prices (21/02/24)
HA - Power Prices 2025 (05/02/25)
HA - Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day (16/10/24)
HA - Private Members Business Reallocation of time (26/11/24)
HA - Private Members Statements (28/11/23)
HA - Private Members Statements (05/02/25)
HA - Private Members' Statements (29/11/23)
HA - Private Members' Statements (06/02/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (07/02/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (20/02/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (21/02/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (05/03/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (06/03/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (19/03/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (20/03/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (09/04/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (10/04/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (30/04/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (01/05/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (14/05/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (15/05/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (04/06/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (05/06/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (18/06/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (19/06/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (27/08/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (28/08/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (10/09/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (11/09/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (24/09/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (25/09/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (15/10/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (16/10/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (29/10/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (30/10/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (12/11/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (13/11/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (26/11/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (27/11/24)
HA - Private Members' Statements (04/02/25)
HA - Probus Month (27/11/24)
HA - Public Education 2 (27/08/24)
HA - Public Education 2 (27/08/24)
HA - Publication of the 3rd Progress Report on the Equal Opportunity Commission Review of Harassment in the SA Parliament Workplace (30/11/23)
HA - Recission of Order - Statutes Amendment (Justice Measures) Bill (15/06/22)
HA - Regional Health Services (15/06/22)
HA - Regional Health Services (28/08/24)
HA - Regional Hospices (28/06/23)
HA - Regional Nursing (08/03/23)
HA - Regional School Maintenance (10/04/24)
HA - Regional South Australia (06/07/22)
HA - Regional South Australia (07/09/22)
HA - Regional South Australia (13/09/23)
HA - Remembrance Day (02/11/22)
HA - Remembrance Day 2024 (13/11/24)
HA - Report - Joint Committee on the Establishment of Adelaide University (31/10/23)
HA - Report - Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence (30/11/23)
HA - Report on House of Assembly Petition No 96 of 2021 - School and Preschool Funding for Children and Students with Additional Needs. (08/09/22)
HA - Reservoirs (19/10/22)
HA - Riverland Flood Response (22/02/23)
HA - Rossi, Joseph Peter, Mr (26/11/24)
HA - Ruby Awards (30/11/22)
HA - SA Pathology (01/06/22)
HA - SA Unions (05/06/24)
HA - SANFL Premiership (27/11/24)
HA - Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence (AI) (06/07/23)
HA - Select Committee on Endometriosis (21/03/24)
HA - Select Committee on Stillbirth in South Australia (31/10/24)
HA - Sessional Orders, Petitions, Absence and Strangers - Adoption of (03/05/22)
HA - Sessional Orders, Private Members Business - Adoption of (03/05/22)
HA - Singapore Airlines (11/09/24)
HA - Socceroos (22/03/23)
HA - South Australian Museum (15/05/24)
HA - St Francis of Assisi Newton Parish (11/09/24)
HA - Standing Orders Committee - 2nd Report Adopted, First Nations Voice (11/04/24)
HA - State Budget 2021-22 (06/07/22)
HA - Strangers Gallery Renaming (01/12/22)
HA - Substitution of Member - Joint Committee on the Legalisation of Medicinal Cannabis (28/11/24)
HA - Substitution of Member - Joint Committee on the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Veterinarians in South Australia (28/11/24)
HA - Substitution of Member - Legislative Review Committee (17/10/23)
HA - Substitution of Member - Legislative Review Committee (30/04/24)
HA - Substitution of Member - Legislative Review Committee (25/09/24)
HA - Substitution of Member - Natural Resources Committee (30/04/24)
HA - Substitution of Member - Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation (12/09/24)
HA - Substitution of Member - Public Works Committee (30/04/24)
HA - Substitution of Member - Public Works Committee (10/09/24)
HA - Substitution of Member - Select Committee on Endometriosis (18/06/24)
HA - Substitution of Members - Crime and Public Integrity Policy Committee (04/06/24)
HA - Substitution of Members - Select Committee on Endometriosis (14/05/24)
HA - Sudan Conflict (27/11/24)
HA - Surf Life Saving (08/02/23)
HA - Suspension of Standing Orders - Animal Welfare (Jumps Racing) Amendment Bill be taken into consideration during Government Business today (07/07/22)
HA - Suspension of Standing Orders - AUKUS (Land Acquisition) Bill to pass all stages without delay (10/04/24)
HA - Suspension of Standing Orders - Consider LC message before Address in Reply (19/05/22)
HA - Suspension of Standing Orders - Government Bills before Address in Reply Adopted (03/05/22)
HA - Suspension of Standing Orders - Intro Criminal Law (High Risk Offenders)....without notice and through all stages (20/02/24)
HA - Suspension of Standing Orders - Intro without notice (27/08/24)
HA - Suspension of Standing Orders - OD PMB 21 be taken into consideration during Government Business today (31/05/22)
HA - Suspension of Standing Orders - OD PMB No 9 to be considered as a Government Business: Order of the Day forthwith (17/05/23)
HA - Suspension of Standing Orders - OD PMB OM 23 take precedence over Gov Business (19/05/22)
HA - Suspension of Standing Orders - Recission of Order - Statutes Amendment (Justice Measures) Bill (15/06/22)
HA - Suspension of Standing Orders - Rescission of limitation of debate on Aboriginal Heritage (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill (10/09/24)
HA - Suspension of Standing Orders - Rescission of limitation of debate on Aboriginal Heritage (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill (10/09/24)
HA - Suspension of Standing Orders - to enable the adjournment of the House to extend beyond 7.00pm (28/08/24)
HA - Suspension of Standing Orders to enable the House to sit beyond midnight (19/06/24)
HA - TAFE SA (18/10/23)
HA - TAFE SA 2024 (21/02/24)
HA - Tea Tree Plaza Car Parking (07/02/24)
HA - Termination of Pregnancy Regulations 2022 (02/11/23)
HA - The Headstone Project (13/11/24)
HA - Torrens to Darlington Project (30/08/23)
HA - Türkiye and Syria Earthquake (08/02/23)
HA - Ukraine Invasion (23/02/23)
HA - UN World Environment Day (14/06/23)
HA - United Nations International Conventions (08/03/23)
HA - Webster, Frank Raymond Mr (09/04/24)
HA - World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims 2023 (15/11/23)
HA - World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims 2024 (27/11/24)
HA - World Down Syndrome Day (22/03/23)
HA - World Mental Health Day (27/09/23)
HA - World Parkinson's Day (10/04/24)
HA - World Sight Day (16/10/24)
HA - World Teachers' Day (01/11/23)
HA - Yorke Peninsula Turning Lane (07/02/24)
HA - Youth Week (01/06/22)
LC - 100th Anniversary of the Rotary Club of Adelaide (18/10/23)
LC - 110th year of the Red Cross in Australia (13/11/24)
LC - 130 Years of Women’s Suffrage in SA (13/11/24)
LC - 140th Anniversary of SA Unions (21/02/24)
LC - 140th Year of St Vincent de Paul Society (07/03/24)
LC - 150th Anniversary of Completion of the Overland Telegraph Line (03/11/22)
LC - 150th Anniversary of Plantation Forest Industries in South Australia (05/02/25)
LC - 170th Anniversary of Gawler Show Society (25/09/24)
LC - 185th Year of SAPOL (04/05/23)
LC - 2026 Census Data (12/09/24)
LC - 20th Anniversary of Chinatown Adelaide South Australia Inc (28/08/24)
LC - 25th Anniversary of Nonna’s Cucina (28/08/24)
LC - 3 Minute Silence for World Peace (27/11/24)
LC - 40th Anniversary of Peregrine Corporation (28/08/24)
LC - 50th Anniversary of Adelaide Festival Centre (30/08/23)
LC - 50th Anniversary of Australia Sri Lanka Association (16/05/24)
LC - 50th Anniversary of Business Events Adelaide (25/09/24)
LC - 50th City to Bay Race (11/09/24)
LC - 70th Anniversary of Election of Don Dunstan (09/03/23)
LC - 70th Anniversary of Meals on Wheels (19/06/24)
LC - 70th Anniversary of St Francis of Assisi Newton Parish (16/05/24)
LC - 75 Years of the CSIRO (05/06/24)
LC - 75th anniversary of Bulgarians' Educational and Friendly Society (27/11/24)
LC - 75th Anniversary of Lions Australia (03/11/22)
LC - 75th anniversary of SA Italian Association
LC - Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee on its Inquiry into Aboriginal Governance, report be noted. (30/11/22)
LC - Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee Report on its Inquiry into Aboriginal Heritage, report be noted (14/06/23)
LC - Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee, Annual Report 2022-2023, be noted. (28/06/23)
LC - Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee, Report 2021-2022, be noted. (03/11/22)
LC - Access to Superannuation for Victims of Child Sexual Abuse (21/02/24)
LC - Address in Reply (03/05/22)
LC - Address in Reply - Noting Report (05/05/22)
LC - Address to His Majesty King Charles III (20/09/22)
LC - African Communities Council of SA (17/05/23)
LC - Agricultural Shows (01/11/23)
LC - AgriFutures Australia South Australian Rural Women's Awards (17/05/23)
LC - AnglicareSA (03/11/22)
LC - Anzac Day (03/05/23)
LC - Anzac Day 2024 (01/05/24)
LC - Ash Wednesday Bushfires Anniversary (08/02/23)
LC - Asthma Week (13/09/23)
LC - Attacks on Israel by Hamas (17/10/23)
LC - Australian Democrats Senator, Dr John Coulter (25/09/24)
LC - Australian Education Union Industrial Action (13/09/23)
LC - Australian Hotels Association SA (04/05/23)
LC - Australian of the Year Taryn Brumfitt (08/02/23)
LC - Australian Red Cross (16/11/22)
LC - Autism Awareness Day (22/03/23)
LC - Autonomy of South Australian AFL Clubs (11/09/24)
LC - Banning Gambling Advertising on Public Transport (05/02/25)
LC - Bickford's Australia (11/04/24)
LC - Biosecurity (28/08/24)
LC - Breast Cancer Awareness Month (18/10/23)
LC - Budget and Finance Committee - Establish (04/05/22)
LC - Budget of Former Liberal Government (04/05/22)
LC - Cashless Society (01/05/24)
LC - Catherine Sayer (31/05/23)
LC - Censure of Attorney-General, Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, and the Government (31/05/23)
LC - Censure of Minister for Child Protection (28/08/24)
LC - Ceylon Tamil Association of SA (07/02/24)
LC - Child Protection System (08/02/23)
LC - Childhood Dementia (28/08/24)
LC - Children and Young People (Safety) Act (19/06/24)
LC - Children in Residential Care (06/07/22)
LC - Climate Emergency (31/05/22)
LC - Closure of Bank Branches in Regional Areas (22/02/23)
LC - Co.As.It (SA) (07/02/24)
LC - Commonwealth Games (08/09/22)
LC - Community Centre Week (15/06/22)
LC - Community groups at The Joinery (30/10/24)
LC - Congratulations to Their Majesties on Coronations (17/05/23)
LC - Construction Companies and Public and Affordable Housing (27/09/23)
LC - Cost of Living (04/05/22)
LC - COVID-19 Direction Accountability and Oversight Committee, report be noted. (30/11/22)
LC - Crime and Public Integrity Policy Committee - Inquiry into Operation of Police Complaints and Discipline Act 2016 (SA) - Report, be noted (29/11/23)
LC - Crime and Public Integrity Policy Committee - Report into the Performance of Functions and Exercise of Powers by the Ombudsman, be noted (27/11/24)
LC - Crown and Anchor Hotel (10/04/24)
LC - Daffodil Day (30/08/23)
LC - Death Hon Terence Gordon Cameron (28/09/22)
LC - Death of Archie Roach (07/09/22)
LC - Death of Dr Andrew Lee Evans OAM (30/05/23)
LC - Death of Dr Lowitja O'Donoghue AC CBE DSG (09/04/24)
LC - Death of George Thomas Young (19/10/22)
LC - Death of Hon. Jennifer Lilian Cashmore AM (27/06/24)
LC - Death of Hon. Peter Bruce Arnold (26/11/24)
LC - Death of Joseph Peter Rossi (26/11/24)
LC - Death of Michelle Hogan (03/05/23)
LC - Death of Mr Bill Gonis OAM (08/09/22)
LC - Death of Mr Frank Webster (09/04/24)
LC - Death of Mr Raymond Steele Hall (19/06/24)
LC - Death of Mr William Nankivell (27/06/24)
LC - Death of South Australian Police Brevet Sergeant Jason Doig (28/11/23)
LC - Decriminalisation of Abortion (14/06/23)
LC - Decriminalisation of Sex Work (01/11/23)
LC - Definition of Antisemitism (01/06/22)
LC - Documents Relating to the LIV Golf Tournament (17/05/23)
LC - Dom Polski Centre (21/02/24)
LC - DonateLife Week 2023 (30/08/23)
LC - Double Strength Mouse Bait (15/05/24)
LC - Dr Nicola Sasanelli AM (22/02/23)
LC - Drug Checking Service (22/02/23)
LC - Earthquake in Morocco (13/09/23)
LC - Earthquake in Türkiye and Syria (09/03/23)
LC - El Nino and CFS (27/09/23)
LC - Election of Dr Lai Ching-te as President of Taiwan (21/02/24)
LC - Electric Fields (15/05/24)
LC - End Youth Suicide Week (08/03/23)
LC - Energy Prices and ETSA Inquiry (02/11/22)
LC - Environment, Resources and Development Committee - Briefing Report on the Disposal of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Contaminated Waste in South Australia be noted (27/09/23)
LC - Environment, Resources and Development Committee - Interim Report on its Inquiry into the Urban Forest, be noted (01/11/23)
LC - E-Petitions (01/05/24)
LC - Establish Privilege Committee (21/03/24)
LC - Expression of thanks to former Members, welcome to new Members (03/05/22)
LC - Extending the Tram Network (21/02/24)
LC - Facial Recognition Technology (19/10/22)
LC - Family-friendly Zones at the Art Gallery of SA (05/06/24)
LC - FIFA World Cup (28/09/22)
LC - Financial Sustainability Review Reports on SAM and Art Gallery of SA (16/10/24)
LC - Fish deaths in October and November 2024 (05/02/25)
LC - Fisheries Management Act 2007 - Fees Notice - Motion for Disallowance of (15/11/23)
LC - Former Liberal Government and Regional South Australia (04/05/22)
LC - Fossil Fuel Sport Sponsorships (21/02/24)
LC - Free Desexing Programs for Cats (17/05/23)
LC - French-Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (12/09/24)
LC - Gender (03/05/23)
LC - Gender Inequality and Women's Employment (01/12/22)
LC - Governance of the Greyhound Racing Industry Report (10/04/24)
LC - Grandcarers SA (27/11/24)
LC - Greek Orthodox Community and Archdiocese of Australia (13/11/24)
LC - Green Renewables Problems (16/11/22)
LC - Grenfell Street Urgent Mental Health Care Centre (14/06/23)
LC - Harmony Week (22/02/23)
LC - Hon. B. R. Hood (03/05/23)
LC - Hon. D.G.E. Hood Leave of Absence (02/11/22)
LC - Hon. D.G.E. Hood Leave of Absence 2023 (15/11/23)
LC - Hon. I. Pnevmatikos (28/09/23)
LC - Hon. I. Pnevmatikos leave of absence (01/06/22)
LC - Hon. J.M.A. Lensink - Leave of absence (16/10/24)
LC - Hon. M. El Dannawi (02/11/23)
LC - Hon. Stephen Wade MLC (18/05/23)
LC - Hospital Ramping (15/05/24)
LC - Human Rights Legislation (31/05/23)
LC - Human Rights Violations and Slavery-like Practices (22/03/23)
LC - ICAC Investigation (16/11/22)
LC - ICAC Investigations Reviews (28/08/24)
LC - Importance of biosecurity to South Australia (05/02/25)
LC - Independent Inquiry into Greyhound Racing Practices (28/06/23)
LC - Indigenous art centres (27/11/24)
LC - Innovation in Primary Industries (22/02/24)
LC - Inquiry into Loneliness (30/08/23)
LC - Intellectual Property Ownership (30/08/23)
LC - International Cleaners Day (14/06/23)
LC - International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (18/05/22)
LC - International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (04/05/22)
LC - International Day of Rural Women (20/10/22)
LC - International Day of the Midwife (01/05/24)
LC - International Men’s Day (27/11/24)
LC - International Nurses' Day (04/05/23)
LC - International Treaty on Fossil Fuel Non-proliferation (07/09/22)
LC - International Volunteer Day (30/11/22)
LC - International Women's Day (08/03/23)
LC - International Women's Day 2024 (07/03/24)
LC - Iranian Regime (15/05/24)
LC - Israel-Palestine Conflict (02/11/22)
LC - Joint Committee on the establishment of Adelaide University - Message No. 84 from House of Assembly (06/07/23)
LC - Joint Committee on the Establishment of Adelaide University, Report be noted (18/10/23)
LC - Joint Committee on the Legalisation of Medicinal Cannabis (19/10/22)
LC - Joint Committee on the Legalisation of Medicinal Cannabis Attendance at 2023 Australian Medicinal Cannabis Symposium (14/06/23)
LC - Joint Committee on the Legalisation of Medicinal Cannabis, Report be noted (25/09/24)
LC - Joint Committee on Wellbeing of Veterinarians in South Australia (15/05/24)
LC - Julian Assange (07/07/22)
LC - Julian Assange Extradition (21/02/24)
LC - Julian Assange Prosecution (08/02/23)
LC - Kent Town Green Space (06/03/24)
LC - Kings Reserve (31/05/23)
LC - Legacy Week (03/11/22)
LC - Legislative Review Committee - Report on House of Assembly Petition No. 50 of 55/1: Western Hospital at Henley Beach, be noted (15/05/24)
LC - Legislative Review Committee - Report on its Inquiry into Local Government Land By-Laws - Public Conveniences, be noted. (19/10/22)
LC - Legislative Review Committee - Report on the Burial and Cremation (Surrender of Interment Rights) Variation Regulations 2021 be noted (27/09/23)
LC - Legislative Review Committee - Report on the Controlled Substances (Youth Treatment Orders) Regulations 2021 be noted (27/09/23)
LC - Legislative Review Committee - Report on the Police (Police Security Officers) Amendment Regulations 2022 be noted (27/09/23)
LC - Legislative Review Committee - Report on the Termination of Pregnancy Regulations 2022 be noted (27/09/23)
LC - Legitimate Opposition (20/03/24)
LC - Local Government Act 1999 - District Council of Mount Remarkable - By-law No. 4 - Local Government Land - disallowance of (22/02/23)
LC - Lower Murray listed as a threatened ecological community (16/10/24)
LC - Male Life Expectancy (22/03/23)
LC - Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility (16/05/24)
LC - Minor Party and Independent Parliamentary Offices (28/08/24)
LC - Multicultural Communities Council of South Australia (04/05/23)
LC - Murder of Dr George Duncan and Safety and Equality for LGBTIQ People (04/05/22)
LC - National Family Business Day (30/10/24)
LC - National Forestry Day (28/09/23)
LC - National Multicultural Mental Health Month (16/10/24)
LC - National Police Remembrance Day (28/09/23)
LC - National Threatened Species Day (13/09/23)
LC - National Volunteer Week (19/05/22)
LC - National Volunteer Week – Former Liberal Government (19/05/22)
LC - Natural Resources Committee - Innamincka and Moomba Fact-Finding Visit 20-22 September 2023 - Report, be noted (29/11/23)
LC - Natural Resources Committee - Inquiry into Biochar - Report, be noted (29/11/23)
LC - Natural Resources Committee - Inquiry into Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) in Primary Production - Report, be noted (05/02/25)
LC - Natural Resources Committee - Riverland Fact-Finding Visit 7-9 November 2022 - Report, be noted (22/03/23)
LC - Neurodiversity Celebration Week (08/03/23)
LC - Nicotine Vaping (01/05/24)
LC - Non-Recognition of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (19/06/24)
LC - Not-for-profit hospitals (13/11/24)
LC - Notice under the Marine Parks Act 2007 concerning Authorised Management Plan Amendments, be disallowed. (06/07/22)
LC - October 2022-23 Federal Budget (30/11/22)
LC - Operations of the Budget and Finance Committee 2022-2024 - Report, be noted (05/02/25)
LC - Organ Donation (08/09/22)
LC - Pakistani Australian Association of South Australia (16/10/24)
LC - Parental Alienating Behaviours (07/09/22)
LC - Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation - Referral of the Work Health and Safety (Crystalline Silica Dust) Amendment Bill - Report, be noted (07/02/24)
LC - Parthenon Sculptures (06/07/22)
LC - Patient Assisted Transport Scheme (14/06/23)
LC - Payroll Tax Amnesty for Independent General Practitioners (20/03/24)
LC - Payroll Tax for Small Businesses (01/06/22)
LC - Payroll Tax on Patient Fees Paid Directly to GPs (20/03/24)
LC - Payroll Tax Relief Measures (19/06/24)
LC - Period Poverty (31/05/23)
LC - Philanthropy of Queen Elizabeth II (28/09/22)
LC - Playford Memorial Trust 40th Anniversary (06/03/24)
LC - Polish Women’s Association in Adelaide (16/10/24)
LC - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Day (07/07/22)
LC - Prevalence of Child Sexual Assault (19/06/24)
LC - Primary Producers (07/02/24)
LC - Privatisation of ETSA (05/06/24)
LC - Protests in Iran (03/11/22)
LC - Publication of Ministerial Diaries (29/11/23)
LC - Questions on Notice (18/05/22)
LC - R U OK Day (13/09/23)
LC - Ramadan (07/03/24)
LC - Referral of Budget and Finance Committee’s SA Museum Evidence to Statutory Authorities Review Committee (27/11/24)
LC - Referral of gig economy to South Australian Productivity Commission (30/10/24)
LC - Referral of Payroll Tax to South Australian Productivity Commission (15/05/24)
LC - Refugee Week (15/06/22)
LC - Refugee Week 2023 (14/06/23)
LC - Regional Healthcare (15/06/22)
LC - Release of University Merger Business Case (18/10/23)
LC - Religious Affiliated Institutions (22/03/23)
LC - Rent Bidding and Rent Freeze (20/03/24)
LC - Rental Affordability (18/05/23)
LC - Rental Market (18/05/23)
LC - Repat Health Precinct (25/09/24)
LC - Residential Tenancies (07/02/24)
LC - Resourcing of Current Committee System of the Legislative Council (11/09/24)
LC - Restart a Heart Day (18/10/23)
LC - Restaurant and Catering Australia (01/06/23)
LC - Rise in Energy Prices (27/09/23)
LC - Royal Commission into Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence in SA (29/11/23)
LC - SA First Nations Voice (27/09/23)
LC - SA Youth Week 2022 (15/06/22)
LC - Salvation Army Sobering-up Unit (30/08/23)
LC - SA's small and family businesses within the hospitality industry (16/10/24)
LC - School funding inequality (16/10/24)
LC - Screening of Blood Donors (30/08/23)
LC - Seafood Growth Strategy (20/03/24)
LC - Select Committee on Damage, Harm, or Adverse Outcomes resulting from ICAC investigations (16/11/22)
LC - Select Committee on Dolphins in the Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary and Port River (18/05/22)
LC - Select Committee on Dolphins in the Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary and Port River, interim report, be noted (30/11/22)
LC - Select Committee on Gambling in South Australia (28/06/23)
LC - Select Committee on Gender Dysphoria in South Australia (15/11/23)
LC - Select Committee on Grocery Pricing in South Australia (30/11/23)
LC - Select Committee on Grocery Pricing in South Australia - Instruction (01/05/24)
LC - Select Committee on Grocery Pricing in South Australia - Report, be noted (27/11/24)
LC - Select Committee on Health Services in South Australia (01/06/22)
LC - Select Committee on Health Services in South Australia - Instruction (08/02/23)
LC - Select Committee on Hunting Native Birds (22/02/23)
LC - Select Committee on Hunting of Native Birds - Report, be noted (07/02/24)
LC - Select Committee on Impact of Certain Stamp Duties (17/05/23)
LC - Select Committee on Kangaroo and Wallaby Populations in South Australia (19/06/24)
LC - Select Committee on Local and Live Creative Venues (28/08/24)
LC - Select Committee on Management and Preservation of the Adelaide Park Lands (17/05/23)
LC - Select Committee on Management of Native Vegetation in the Hills Face Zone and the Mount Lofty Ranges (29/11/23)
LC - Select Committee on Matters Relating to the Timber Industry in the Limestone Coast and Other Regions of South Australia (02/11/22)
LC - Select Committee on Matters Relating to the Timber Industry in the Limestone Coast and Other Regions of South Australia – Instruction (22/02/23)
LC - Select Committee on Matters Relating to the Timber Industry in the Limestone Coast and Other Regions of South Australia - Report, be noted (05/02/25)
LC - Select Committee on Payroll Tax in South Australia (07/02/24)
LC - Select Committee on Public and Active Transport (18/05/22)
LC - Select Committee on Public and Active Transport, Report be noted (08/02/23)
LC - Select Committee on Recycling of Soft Plastics and Other Material in South Australia (03/05/23)
LC - Select Committee on Recycling of Soft Plastics and other Recyclable Material, report be noted. (28/08/24)
LC - Select Committee on Return to Work SA Scheme (06/07/22)
LC - Select Committee on Return to Work SA Scheme - Report, be noted (27/11/24)
LC - Select Committee on School Student Absenteeism (16/11/22)
LC - Select Committee on Support and Mental Health Services for Police (28/06/23)
LC - Select Committee on Support and Mental Health Services for Police - Instruction
LC - Select Committee on the 2022-23 River Murray Flood Event (28/06/23)
LC - Select Committee on the Country Fire Service (01/11/23)
LC - Select Committee on The Gig Economy (30/11/22)
LC - Select Committee on The Gig Economy - Report, be noted (05/06/24)
LC - Select Committee on the Management of the COVID-19 Response (22/03/23)
LC - Select Committee on the Prohibition of Neo-Nazi Symbols (07/09/22)
LC - Select Committee on the Short Stay Accommodation Sector (27/11/24)
LC - Select Committee on Water Supply Needs of Eyre Peninsula (07/02/24)
LC - Select Committee on Water Supply Needs of the Eyre Peninsula - Report, be noted (27/11/24)
LC - Select Committee on Whalers Way Orbital Launch Complex (16/11/22)
LC - Sessional Order - Select Committee attendance (07/07/22)
LC - Sheep and Goat Individual Electronic Identification System (09/03/23)
LC - Singapore Airlines (15/05/24)
LC - Social Development Committee - Report on Amendments to the National Health and Medical Research Council Ethical Guidelines on the use of Assisted Reproductive Technology in Clinical Practice and Research, be noted. (01/05/24)
LC - Social Development Committee - Report on its Inquiry into the impact of the NDIS on South Australians living with disability who have complex needs and are, or are at risk of, residing for long periods in inappropriate accommodation be noted (27/09/23)
LC - Social Development Committee - Report on Petition No. 96 of 2021: Funding for children and students with additional learning needs in public schools and preschools, be noted. (01/05/24)
LC - South Australia’s Wine Industry (10/04/24)
LC - South Australian Film Corporation 50th Anniversary (19/10/22)
LC - South Australian Italian Association (16/11/22)
LC - South Australian Museum - Statutory Authorities Review Committee to inquire into (10/04/24)
LC - Southern Ocean Offshore Wind Zone (30/08/23)
LC - St Florian’s Day (01/05/24)
LC - Stalking (15/06/22)
LC - Stamp Duties Act (28/09/22)
LC - Standing Orders Committee on the First Nations Voice, 2024 report be adopted (04/06/24)
LC - Statutory Officers Committee - Report on the Appointment of the Ombudsman (14/11/23)
LC - Strangers Gallery (08/02/23)
LC - Struan Research Centre (22/03/23)
LC - Surveillance Devices Act 2016 - Regulations - Prescribed Circumstances - Motion for disallowance of (30/10/24)
LC - Taiwan National Day (30/08/23)
LC - Teachers at Breaking Point Report (28/06/23)
LC - Termination of Pregnancy services (06/07/22)
LC - The Great Southern Slam Roller Derby Tournament 2024 (28/08/24)
LC - The Headstone Project (13/11/24)
LC - Tobacco Industry Waste (15/05/24)
LC - Tourism and Transport Forum Australia (13/09/23)
LC - Tourism Industry Council South Australia (15/11/23)
LC - Trade and Exports (22/02/23)
LC - Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (08/02/23)
LC - Truth-Telling (14/06/23)
LC - United Nations (15/11/23)
LC - Unmet Mental Health Needs Report (19/06/24)
LC - US Kangaroo Protection Bill (27/11/24)
LC - Variety, The Children's Charity SA (30/11/22)
LC - Veterans Services and Outcomes (19/10/22)
LC - Victorian Wild Dog Management Policy (10/04/24)
LC - Vietnam War Veterans (27/09/23)
LC - Virtual War Memorial (25/09/24)
LC - Voices of Renters and Review of Residential Tenancies Act (07/09/22)
LC - Water Buybacks (20/03/24)
LC - Whalers Way protected habitat (13/11/24)
LC - Whistleblowers (28/08/24)
LC - Women's FIFA World Cup (31/05/23)
LC - World AIDS Day (27/11/24)
LC - World Car-Free Day (18/10/23)
LC - World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (15/06/22)
LC - World Fisheries Day (16/11/22)
LC - World Lymphoedema Day (08/03/23)
LC - World Press Freedom Day (03/05/23)
LC - World Rivers Day (19/10/22)
LC - World Teachers' Day (07/09/22)
LC - World Teachers Day 2023 (01/11/23)
LC - World Tourism Day (28/09/22)
LC - World Tourism Day 2023 (28/09/23)
LC - World Water Day (22/03/23)
LC - Young Australian of the Year Awer Mabil (08/02/23)
LC - Young Offenders Act 1993 - General Regulations - Motion for Disallowance of (27/09/23)
LC - Youth Opportunities 25th Anniversary (19/10/22)
LC - Zonta Club of Adelaide (10/04/24)
LC - Zoos SA (22/03/23)
Advanced Search
55th Parliament 1st Session (2022-)
55th Parliament 1st Session (2022-)
54th Parliament 2nd Session (2020-2022)
54th Parliament 1st Session (2018-2019)
53rd Parliament 2nd Session (2015-2017)
53rd Parliament 1st Session (2014-2014)
52nd Parliament 2nd Session (2012-2014)
52nd Parliament 1st Session (2010-2011)
51st Parliament 3rd Session (2008-2010)
51st Parliament 2nd Session (2007-2008)
51st Parliament 1st Session (2006-2007)
50th Parliament 4th Session (2004-2005)
50th Parliament 3rd Session (2003-2004)
50th Parliament 2nd Session (2002-2003)
50th Parliament 1st Session (2002-2002)
49th Parliament 4th Session (2000-2002)
49th Parliament 3rd Session (1999-2000)
49th Parliament 2nd Session (1998-1999)
49th Parliament 1st Session (1997-1998)
48th Parliament 4th Session (1996-1997)
48th Parliament 3rd Session (1995-1996)
48th Parliament 2nd Session (1994-1995)
48th Parliament 1st Session (1994-1994)
47th Parliament 5th Session (1993-1993)
47th Parliament 4th Session (1992-1993)
47th Parliament 3rd Session (1991-1992)
47th Parliament 2nd Session (1990-1991)
47th Parliament 1st Session (1990-1990)
46th Parliament 5th Session (1989-1989)
46th Parliament 4th Session (1988-1989)
46th Parliament 3rd Session (1987-1988)
46th Parliament 2nd Session (1986-1987)
46th Parliament 1st Session (1986-1986)
45th Parliament 4th Session (1985-1985)
45th Parliament 3rd Session (1984-1985)
45th Parliament 2nd Session (1983-1984)
45th Parliament 1st Session (1982-1983)
44th Parliament 4th Session (1982-1982)
44th Parliament 3rd Session (1981-1982)
44th Parliament 2nd Session (1980-1981)
44th Parliament 1st Session (1979-1980)
43rd Parliament 3rd Session (1979-1979)
43rd Parliament 2nd Session (1978-1979)
43rd Parliament 1st Session (1977-1978)
42nd Parliament 3rd Session (1977-1977)
42nd Parliament 2nd Session (1976-1977)
42nd Parliament 1st Session (1975-1976)
41st Parliament 3rd Session (1974-1975)
41st Parliament 2nd Session (1973-1974)
41st Parliament 1st Session (1973-1973)
40th Parliament 3rd Session (1972-1973)
40th Parliament 2nd Session (1971-1972)
40th Parliament 1st Session (1970-1971)
39th Parliament 4th Session (1970-1970)
39th Parliament 3rd Session (1969-1970)
39th Parliament 2nd Session (1968-1969)
39th Parliament 1st Session (1968-1968)
38th Parliament 3rd Session (1967-1967)
38th Parliament 2nd Session (1966-1967)
38th Parliament 1st Session (1965-1966)
37th Parliament 3rd Session (1964-1964)
37th Parliament 2nd Session (1963-1964)
37th Parliament 1st Session (1962-1962)
36th Parliament 3rd Session (1961-1961)
36th Parliament 2nd Session (1960-1960)
36th Parliament 1st Session (1959-1959)
35th Parliament 4th Session (1958-1958)
35th Parliament 3rd Session (1957-1957)
35th Parliament 2nd Session (1957-1957)
35th Parliament 1st Session (1956-1957)
34th Parliament 4th Session (1955-1955)
34th Parliament 3rd Session (1954-1955)
34th Parliament 2nd Session (1954-1954)
34th Parliament 1st Session (1953-1954)
33rd Parliament 3rd Session (1952-1953)
33rd Parliament 2nd Session (1951-1952)
33rd Parliament 1st Session (1950-1951)
32nd Parliament 3rd Session (1949-1949)
32nd Parliament 2nd Session (1948-1949)
32nd Parliament 1st Session (1947-1948)
31st Parliament 4th Session (1946-1947)
31st Parliament 3rd Session (1946-1946)
31st Parliament 2nd Session (1945-1946)
31st Parliament 1st Session (1944-1945)
30th Parliament 3rd Session (1943-1944)
30th Parliament 2nd Session (1942-1943)
30th Parliament 1st Session (1941-1941)
29th Parliament 3rd Session (1940-1940)
29th Parliament 2nd Session (1939-1940)
29th Parliament 1st Session (1938-1939)
28th Parliament 6th Session (1937-1937)
28th Parliament 5th Session (1936-1936)
28th Parliament 4th Session (1935-1936)
28th Parliament 3rd Session (1935-1935)
28th Parliament 2nd Session (1934-1934)
28th Parliament 1st Session (1933-1933)
27th Parliament 3rd Session (1932-1932)
27th Parliament 2nd Session (1931-1931)
27th Parliament 1st Session (1930-1930)
26th Parliament 4th Session (1929-1930)
26th Parliament 3rd Session (1928-1928)
26th Parliament 2nd Session (1927-1928)
26th Parliament 1st Session (1927-1927)
25th Parliament 4th Session (1926-1927)
25th Parliament 3rd Session (1926-1926)
25th Parliament 2nd Session (1925-1926)
25th Parliament 1st Session (1924-1925)
24th Parliament 3rd Session (1923-1923)
24th Parliament 2nd Session (1922-1923)
24th Parliament 1st Session (1921-1921)
23rd Parliament 3rd Session (1920-1920)
23rd Parliament 2nd Session (1919-1919)
23rd Parliament 1st Session (1918-1918)
22nd Parliament 3rd Session (1917-1917)
22nd Parliament 2nd Session (1916-1916)
22nd Parliament 1st Session (1915-1915)
21st Parliament 4th Session (1914-1914)
21st Parliament 3rd Session (1913-1913)
21st Parliament 2nd Session (1912-1912)
21st Parliament 1st Session (1912-1912)
20th Parliament 2nd Session (1911-1912)
20th Parliament 1st Session (1910-1910)
19th Parliament 4th Session (1909-1909)
19th Parliament 3rd Session (1908-1908)
19th Parliament 2nd Session (1907-1907)
19th Parliament 1st Session (1906-1906)
18th Parliament 2nd Session (1906-1906)
18th Parliament 1st Session (1905-1905)
17th Parliament 3rd Session (1904-1904)
17th Parliament 2nd Session (1903-1903)
17th Parliament 1st Session (1902-1902)
16th Parliament 3rd Session (1901-1901)
16th Parliament 2nd Session (1900-1900)
16th Parliament 1st Session (1899-1899)
15th Parliament 3rd Session (1898-1899)
15th Parliament 2nd Session (1897-1897)
15th Parliament 1st Session (1896-1896)
14th Parliament 3rd Session (1895-1895)
14th Parliament 2nd Session (1894-1894)
14th Parliament 1st Session (1893-1893)
13rd Parliament 3rd Session (1892-1892)
13rd Parliament 2nd Session (1891-1891)
13rd Parliament 1st Session (1890-1890)
12nd Parliament 4th Session (1889-1889)
12nd Parliament 3rd Session (1888-1888)
12nd Parliament 2nd Session (1887-1887)
12nd Parliament 1st Session (1887-1887)
11st Parliament 3rd Session (1886-1886)
11st Parliament 2nd Session (1885-1885)
11st Parliament 1st Session (1884-1884)
10th Parliament 3rd Session (1883-1884)
10th Parliament 2nd Session (1882-1882)
10th Parliament 1st Session (1881-1881)
9th Parliament 4th Session (1881-1881)
9th Parliament 3rd Session (1880-1880)
9th Parliament 2nd Session (1879-1879)
9th Parliament 1st Session (1878-1878)
8th Parliament 4th Session (1877-1877)
8th Parliament 3rd Session (1876-1876)
8th Parliament 2nd Session (1875-1875)
8th Parliament 1st Session (1875-1875)
7th Parliament 3rd Session (1874-1874)
7th Parliament 2nd Session (1873-1873)
7th Parliament 1st Session (1872-1872)
6th Parliament 2nd Session (1871-1871)
6th Parliament 1st Session (1870-1871)
5th Parliament 2nd Session (1869-1870)
5th Parliament 1st Session (1868-1869)
4th Parliament 4th Session (1867-1867)
4th Parliament 3rd Session (1866-1867)
4th Parliament 2nd Session (1865-1866)
4th Parliament 1st Session (1865-1865)
3rd Parliament 2nd Session (1864-1864)
3rd Parliament 1st Session (1863-1863)
2nd Parliament 3rd Session (1862-1862)
2nd Parliament 2nd Session (1861-1861)
2nd Parliament 1st Session (1860-1860)
1st Parliament 3rd Session (1859-1859)
1st Parliament 2nd Session (1858-1858)
1st Parliament 1st Session (1857-1858)
(Both Houses)
House of Assembly (HA)
Legislative Council (LC)
Bill Type
Private Member
Address in Reply
Committee of the Whole
Disallowance Subordinate
Grievance / Matters of Interest
Leave to Members
Other Motions
Private Member Other Motions
Sessional Orders
Suspension of Standing Orders
Bill Number
(not including Version)
Abbott, Roy
Abbott QC, Sir Charles
Adams, Henry (MLC)
Addison, Arthur (MLC)
Allen, Ernest
Allen, Peter
Allison, Harold
Anderson, Alexander
Anderson, Joseph (MLC)
Andrew, Kent
Andrews, Sarah
Andrews QC, Richard
Angas, George (MLC)
Angas, John (MLC)
Angus, William
Anstey, Edward
Anstey, George (MLC)
Anthoney, Ernest (MLC)
Appleby, June
Archibald, William
Armitage, Michael
Arnold, Peter
Arnold AO, Lynn
Ash, George
Ashenden, Scott
Atkinson, Michael
Atkinson, Thomas
Ayers GCMG, Sir Henry (MLC)
Babbage, Benjamin
Bagot, Charles Hervey (MLC)
Bagot, Edward (MLC)
Bagot, John (MLC)
Bagot, John
Bagster, Josiah
Baker, Dale
Baker, John (MLC)
Baker, Stephen
Baker KCMG KC, Sir Richard (MLC)
Bakewell, Samuel
Bakewell, William
Baldock, Herbert
Banfield AO, Donald (MLC)
Bannon AO, John
Bardolph, Douglas
Bardolph, Kenneth (MLC)
Barritt, Joseph
Barrow, John
Bartlett, Harry
Bartley, William (MLC)
Barwell KCMG, Sir Henry
Basedow, Herbert
Basedow, Martin (MLC)
Basham, David
Bass, Sam
Batchelor, Lee
Batty, Jack
Beaglehole, William
Bean, George
Bean, William
Becker AM, Heini
Bedford, Frances
Beerworth, James (MLC)
Bell, Troy
Bernard, Robert (MLC)
Bettison, Zoe
Bevan, Stanley (MLC)
Bews, David
Bice, John (MLC)
Bice KCMG, Sir John (MLC)
Bignell, Leon
Billard, Brian
Birrell, Frederick
Blackburn VC CMG CBE ED, Arthur
Blacker, William
Blacker OAM, Peter
Blackwell, Alfred
Blesing, Albert (MLC)
Blevins, Frank
Blundell, Reginald
Blyth, Neville
Blyth KCMG CB, Sir Arthur
Bockelberg, George
Bodey, George
Bonaros, Constadina (MLC)
Bonney, Charles (MLC)
Boothby, T. Wylde
Bosworth, John (MLC)
Botterill, Joseph (MLC)
Boucaut KCMG KC, Sir James
Boundy, David
Bourke, Emily (MLC)
Bowden, Horace
Bower, David
Boyer, Blair
Bray KCMG, Sir John
Bressington, Ann (MLC)
Breuer OAM, Lyn
Bright, Henry (MLC)
Brindal, Mark
Brock, Geoff
Brokenshire, Robert
Brooker, Thomas
Brookman, David
Brookman, Norman (MLC)
Brookman KBE, Sir George (MLC)
Broomhill, Glen
Brown, John
Brown, Max
Brown, Michael
Brown AO, Dean
Browne, William
Bruce, Gordon (MLC)
Bruce, Theodore (MLC)
Buckby, Malcolm
Bucknall, Frederick
Buik, William (MLC)
Bundey KC, Sir William
Burdett, John (MLC)
Burdon, Allan
Burford, William
Burgoyne, Thomas
Butler, Sir Richard
Butler KCMG, Sir Richard Layton
Butterfield, Thomas
Buxton, Harry
Byrne OAM, Molly
Bywaters, Gabe
Caica, Paul
Caldwell, Robert
Cameron, Archie
Cameron, Martin (MLC)
Cameron, Terry (MLC)
Campbell, Allan (MLC)
Campbell, Donald
Campbell, Norman (MLC)
Carnie, John (MLC)
Carpenter, William
Carr, John
Carr, John (MLC)
Carroll, Frank
Carter, Reginald
Casey, Thomas (MLC)
Cashmore AM, Jennifer
Castine, Ernest (MLC)
Castine, John
Catt, Alfred
Caudell, Colin
Cavenagh, Wentworth
Centofanti, Nicola (MLC)
Champion, Nick
Chapman, John
Chapman, Ted
Chapman, Vickie
Charleston, David (MLC)
Chatterton, Brian (MLC)
Cheriton, John
Chesson, Henry
Christian, Arthur
Ciccarello, Vini
Clancy, Nadia
Clark, John
Clarke, Geoffrey
Clarke, Ralph
Close, Susan
Cock, James
Cockburn KCMG, Sir John
Coglin, Patrick
Cohen, Sir Lewis
Cole, George
Cole, James
Cole, William
Coles, Edward
Coles KCMG, Sir Jenkin
Collaton, Martin
Collins, Clement
Collinson, Edward
Colton KCMG, Sir John
Condon CMG, Francis (MLC)
Condous AM, Steve
Coneybeer, Frederick
Conlon, Patrick
Connelly, Ted
Conner, Mountifort
Connor, George
Cook, Nat
Cooke, Ebenezer
Cooke, George
Cooke, John (MLC)
Coombe, E.H.
Cooper, Jessie (MLC)
Copley, William
Corcoran, James
Corcoran AO, Des
Cornwall OAM, John (MLC)
Cotton, George (MLC)
Cottrell, Robert
Coumbe AM, John
Cowan, James
Cowan, John (MLC)
Cowan, Sir John (MLC)
Cowan, Thomas
Cowdrey OAM, Matt
Crafter AO, Greg
Craigie, Edward
Creedon, Cecil (MLC)
Cregan, Dan
Crimes, Ernie
Critchley, Jack
Crosby, Henry
Crothers, Trevor (MLC)
Crozier, John (MLC)
Crush, Thomas
Cudmore, Sir Collier (MLC)
Cummins, John
Cummins, William
Curren, Reg
Dale, Bob
Dale, William
Dankel, George
Darley OAM, John (MLC)
Darling Jnr, John
Darling Snr, John (MLC)
Dashwood, George (MLC)
Dashwood KC, Charles
Davenport, Robert (MLC)
Davenport KCMG, Sir Samuel (MLC)
Davies, Charles (MLC)
Davies, Daniel
Davis, Charles
Davis, Legh (MLC)
Dawes, William
Dawes CMG, Edgar
Dawkins, John (MLC)
Dawkins MBE, Maynard (MLC)
De Garis AM, Renfrey (MLC)
De Laine, Murray
Dean, Horace
Dennison, Samuel
Denny MC, Bill
Densley, Leslie (MLC)
Derrington, Edwin
Dickson, Samuel
Digance, Annabel
Dighton, Alex
Dixson, Robert
Dixson KBE, Sir Hugh
Downer, Henry
Downer KCMG KC, Sir John (MLC)
Drury, Leslie
Duffield, Walter (MLC)
Duhst, Oscar
Duigan, Mike
Duluk, Sam
Dumas, Charles
Duncan, Kossuth
Duncan, Leslie
Duncan, Peter
Duncan, Sir John (MLC)
Duncan, Sir Walter (MLC)
Duncan, Walter
Dunford, James (MLC)
Dunks, Henry
Dunn, George
Dunn, Henry (MLC)
Dunn, Herbert
Dunn, William
Dunn Jnr, John (MLC)
Dunn Snr, John (MLC)
Dunnage, Colin
Dunstan AC QC, Don
Dutton, Frederick (MLC)
Dutton CMG, Francis
Eastick AM, Bruce
Edmonds, Ernest (MLC)
Edwards, Albert
Edwards, Ernie
Edwards, Thomas
El Dannawi, Mira (MLC)
Elder, Alexander (MLC)
Elder GCMG, Sir Thomas (MLC)
Elliott, Michael (MLC)
Ellis, Fraser
Ellis, John (MLC)
English, Thomas (MLC)
Evans, Iain
Evans, Martyn
Evans OAM, Andrew (MLC)
Evans OAM, Stan
Everard, Charles (MLC)
Everard, William (MLC)
Feleppa OAM, Mario (MLC)
Fenn, Charles (MLC)
Ferguson, Don
Ferguson, James
Finnigan, Bernard (MLC)
Finniss, B.T.
Fisher, Daniel
Fisher, Joseph (MLC)
Fisher, Sir James Hurtle (MLC)
Fisk, William
Fitzgerald, John
Fletcher, John
Foley, Kevin
Forster, Anthony (MLC)
Foster, Richard
Foster OAM, Norman (MLC)
Fowler, George
Fox, Arthur
Fox, Chloe
Franks, Tammy (MLC)
Fraser, Hugh
Freebairn, John
Freeling Bt, Sir Arthur (MLC)
Frome, Edward (MLC)
Fulbrook, John
Fuller, Henry (MLC)
Furner, Luke
Gago, Gail (MLC)
Game, Sarah (MLC)
Gardner, John
Gayler, Di
Gazzola, John (MLC)
Geddes, Richard (MLC)
Gee, Jon
George, Even
George, Herbert
Geraghty, Robyn
Gilbert, William
Giles, Bryant
Giles, Clement
Giles, Edward
Giles, Geoffrey (MLC)
Giles, William (MLC)
Gilfillan, Gordon (MLC)
Gilfillan, Ian (MLC)
Gillen, Peter
Girolamo, Heidi (MLC)
Glazbrook, Richard
Gleeson, Hampton
Gluyas, Thomas (MLC)
Glyde, Lavington
Glyde, Samuel
Glyde, William (MLC)
Glynn KC, Paddy
Godfree, John
Goldney, Rufus
Goldsworthy, Mark
Goldsworthy AO, Roger
Goode, Charles
Goode, Clarence
Goode, Sir Charles
Gordon, Adam Lindsay
Gordon, Douglas (MLC)
Gordon, Sir David (MLC)
Gordon KC, Sir John Hannah (MLC)
Gouger, Robert (MLC)
Gould, Benjamin
Grainger, Allerdale
Grainger, John (MLC)
Grayson, Lawrence
Green, Dutton
Green, Thompson
Gregory, Bob
Greig, Julie
Griffin, Kenneth (MLC)
Griffiths, Steven
Griffiths, Walter
Groom, Terry
Groth, Reginald
Grundy, Edward
Gunn, John
Gunn AM, Graham
Guthrie, Robert (MLC)
Gwynne, Edward (MLC)
Hack, Theodore
Hagen, Jacob (MLC)
Hague, James
Hague, William
Haines, William
Hall, George (MLC)
Hall, Joan
Hall, Steele
Halleday, Frank (MLC)
Hallett, John
Hambour, George
Hamilton, Edward
Hamilton, Walter
Hamilton OAM, Kevin
Hamilton-Smith, Martin
Hancock, Joseph
Handyside, Andrew
Hanna, Kris
Hannaford, Ernest
Hannaford, Frederick
Hannaford, Walter (MLC)
Hanson, Justin (MLC)
Hanson, Sir Richard
Harding, Leslie
Hardy, Arthur
Hare, Charles
Harper, Joseph
Harrison, Charles
Harrold, Arthur
Hart, Leslie (MLC)
Hart CMG, John
Hart Jnr, John
Harvey, Arthur
Harvey, John
Harvey, Richard
Harvey, William (MLC)
Harvey, William
Haslam, William (MLC)
Hawke, Albert
Hawke, Thomas
Hawker, Edward
Hawker, George
Hawker MC, Stanley
Hawkins, Hartley (MLC)
Hay, Alexander (MLC)
Heaslip, James
Heath, Leslie
Heggaton, Percy
Hemmings, Terry
Henderson, Laura (MLC)
Henning, Rudolph
Herbert, Charles
Herbert, John
Heron, Vic
Hewett, Charles
Hildyard, Katrine
Hill, Henry
Hill, John
Hill, Lionel
Hill AM, Charles (MLC)
Hincks, Sir Cecil
Hoare, Albert (MLC)
Hodgkiss, John (MLC)
Hogarth, Thomas (MLC)
Hogben, Horace
Holden, Sir Edward (MLC)
Holder KCMG, Sir Frederick
Holloway, Paul (MLC)
Homburg, Hermann (MLC)
Homburg Jnr, Robert
Homburg Snr, Robert
Hood, Benjamin (MLC)
Hood, Dennis (MLC)
Hood, Lucy
Hookings, Allan (MLC)
Hooper, Richard
Hopgood AO, Don
Hopkins, George
Hopkins, Leonard
Horn, William
Hourigan, Frank
Howard, Tom
Howe, James (MLC)
Hudd KBE MC, Sir Herbert
Hudson, Hugh
Hughes, Eddie
Hughes, Henry (MLC)
Hughes, John
Hughes, Lloyd
Hunkin CMG, Leslie
Hunt, Ronald
Hunter, Ian (MLC)
Hunter, Robert
Hurley, Annette
Hurn, Ashton
Hurst, Reginald
Hussey, Charles
Hussey, George
Hutchens CBE, Cyril
Hutchesson, Catherine
Hutchison, Colleen
Hutchison, James
Illingworth, George
Ingerson, Graham
Ingleby, John
Inkster, Arthur
Irwin, James (MLC)
Jackson, Harry
Jackson, John (MLC)
James, David
Jamieson, William
Jeffcott, Sir John (MLC)
Jeffries, Sir Shirley
Jelley, David (MLC)
Jelley, James (MLC)
Jenkins, John
Jenkins, William
Jenkins KBE, Sir George
Jennings, Jack
Jettner, Francis
Jickling, Henry (MLC)
Johnson, Frank
Johnson, Thomas
Jonas, John
Jude, Sir Norman (MLC)
Kanck, Sandra (MLC)
Kandelaars, Gerard (MLC)
Kay, William
Kearney, Beasley
Kelly, Hugh
Kelly, John
Kelly, Robert
Kemp, Henry (MLC)
Keneally, Gavin
Kenyon, Tom
Keogh, Francis
Kerin, Rob
Key, Steph
Kimber, Charles
King, Thomas
King AC QC, Len
King OBE, Harold
Kingston, Sir George
Kingston PC KC, Charles
Kirkpatrick, Andrew (MLC)
Klauer, Ernest (MLC)
Klunder, John
Kneebone, Alfred (MLC)
Kneebone, Henry
Knoll, Stephan
Kotz, Dorothy
Koutsantonis, Tom
Krichauff, Friedrich (MLC)
Lacey, Andrew
Laffer, George
Laidlaw AM, Diana (MLC)
Laidlaw AO, Donald (MLC)
Lake, George
Lake, James
Lamshed, Henry
Landseer, Albert
Langdon, Jules
Langley AM, Gil
Laucke KCMG, Sir Condor
Laurie, Park
Lawn, Samuel
Lawson RFD KC, Robert (MLC)
Leake, Robert
Lee, Jing (MLC)
Leggett, Stewart
Lenehan, Susan
Lennon, William
Lensink, Jacqueline (MLC)
Levy AO, Judith (MLC)
Lewis, Peter
Lewis, William
Lewis CMG, John (MLC)
Lindsay, Arthur
Lindsay, Charles
Lindsay, John
Livingston, Daniel
Livingston, John
Lomax-Smith AM, Jane
Loveday, Ronald
Lucas, Robert (MLC)
Lucas, Sir Edward (MLC)
Luethen, Paula
Lyons, Herbert
Lyons, John
MacDermott, Marshall
MacDonald, James (MLC)
MacGillivray, Ivor
Macgillivray, William
Madge, Matthew
Magarey, Sylvanus (MLC)
Magarey, Thomas (MLC)
Magarey, William
Maher, Kyam (MLC)
Mair, William
Malinauskas, Peter
Mann, Charles (MLC)
Mann QC, Charles
Marks, Morris
Marshall, Steven
Martin, James (MLC)
Martin, Reggie (MLC)
Mathwin OAM, John
Matthew, Wayne
Mattinson, William
Maturin CB, William
Mayes, Kym
Maywald, Karlene
McAlees, Hughie
McAnaney, William
McArthur, Arthur
McBride, Nick
McCallum, Thomas (MLC)
McCulloch, Alexander
McDonald, Alexander
McDonald, Archibald
McEllister, Edward (MLC)
McEwen, Rory
McEwin KBE, Sir Alexander (MLC)
McFarlane, Allan
McFetridge, Duncan
McGregor, Gregor (MLC)
McHugh, Sydney
McInnes, John
McIntosh KBE, Sir Malcolm
McKee, Colin
McKee, David
McKenzie, David
McKenzie, Richard
McLachlan, Roy
McLachlan CSC, Andrew (MLC)
McLachlan Jnr, James
McLachlan Snr, James
McLeay KCMG MM, Sir John
McMillan, Frederick
McPherson, John
McRae, Terry
Meier, John
Melrose, Alexander (MLC)
Melrose, Robert (MLC)
Michael, Herbert "Don"
Michaels, Andrea
Mildred, Henry (MLC)
Mildred, Henry
Miller, John
Miller, William
Millhouse QC, Robin
Mills, William (MLC)
Milne, Sir William (MLC)
Milne CBE, Kenneth (MLC)
Mitchell, Samuel
Moir, Roy
Moody, David
Moorhouse, Matthew
Morgan KCMG, Sir William (MLC)
Morphett, George
Morphett, George
Morphett, Sir John (MLC)
Morris, Charles (MLC)
Morris, James
Morrow, William (MLC)
Mortlock, William
Mortlock, William
Moseley CMG, James
Moulden, Beaumont (MLC)
Moule, John
Mowbray, Reuben (MLC)
Moyle, Henry
Muecke, Hugo (MLC)
Mullighan, Stephen
Mundy, Alfred (MLC)
Murray, Alexander (MLC)
Murray, Alexander
Murray, David (MLC)
Murray, Steve
Myles, Charles
Nankivell, Bill
Nash, Benjamin
Neales, John (MLC)
Newland, Richard (MLC)
Newland CMG, Simpson
Newland KCMG CBE, Sir John
Newland OBE MC DCM, Victor Marra
Ngo, Tung (MLC)
Nicholls, Sir Robert
Nicholson, Leslie
Nieass, Frank
Nocella, Paolo (MLC)
Nock, David
O'Brien, Michael
O'Connor, John
O'Connor, Richard
O'Flaherty, Sid
O'Halloran, Mick
O'Halloran, Thomas (MLC)
O'Hanlon, Cressida
O'Loghlin VD, James
O'Loughlin, Laurence
O'Malley, King
O'Neill, Harold
Oates, Edgar (MLC)
Octoman, Charles (MLC)
Odenwalder, Lee
Olsen AO, John
Olson, Jack
Osman, John
Oswald, John
Owen, William
Packham, David
Paech, Friedrich
Paltridge, William
Pangallo, Frank (MLC)
Parish, Maurice
Parkin, William (MLC)
Parnell, Mark (MLC)
Parsons, John (MLC)
Parsons KBE KC, Sir Angas
Pascoe, Thomas (MLC)
Patterson, Stephen
Pattinson KBE, Sir Baden
Payne, Ronald
Peacock, Caleb
Peacock, Joseph
Peacock, William (MLC)
Peake, Archibald
Peake, Edward
Pearce, George
Pearce, James (MLC)
Pearce, Rhiannon
Pearson, Rex
Pearson, Sir Glen
Pederick, Adrian
Pedler, John
Pegler, Don
Penfold, Liz
Pengilly, Michael
Perry MBE, Sir Frank (MLC)
Peterson, Norm
Petherick, Vernon
Pfitzner, Bernice (MLC)
Pflaum, Friedrich
Piccolo, Tony
Pick, John
Pickering, John (MLC)
Pickles, Carolyn (MLC)
Picton, Chris
Pisoni, David
Playford GCMG, Sir Thomas
Playford II, Thomas
Plunkett, Keith
Pnevmatikos, Irene (MLC)
Ponder, William
Portolesi, Grace
Potter, Frank (MLC)
Power, Carolyn
Poynton OBE, Alexander
Pratt, Penny
Price, Jack
Price, Tom
Prosser, George (MLC)
Quin, William
Quirke, John
Quirke, Percy
Ralston, Ronald
Ramsay, John (MLC)
Randall, Bob
Randell, John
Randell, William
Rankine, James (MLC)
Rankine, Jennifer
Rankine, John (MLC)
Rann AC CNZM, Mike
Rau SC, John
Redford, Angus (MLC)
Redmond, Isobel
Rees, Rowland
Reidy, Peter
Reynolds, Kate (MLC)
Reynolds, Thomas
Richards, Herbert
Richards, John
Richards, Robert
Richardson, Oliver (MLC)
Riches CMG, Lindsay
Riddoch, George (MLC)
Riddoch, John
Ridgway, David (MLC)
Ritchie KCMG, Sir George (MLC)
Ritson, Robert (MLC)
Roberts, Ernest
Roberts, Ronald (MLC)
Roberts, Terance (MLC)
Robertson, Allan
Robertson, Derek
Robinson, Albert
Robinson, William (MLC)
Robinson, William (MLC)
Rodda CBE, Allan
Rogers, William
Rosenberg, Lorraine
Ross, Sir Robert
Rossi, Joe
Rounsevell, Ben
Rounsevell, John
Rowe, Colin (MLC)
Rowe, John
Rudall, Reginald (MLC)
Rudall, Samuel
Russack OAM, Keith
Russell, William
Ryan, John
Ryan, Thomas
Rymill, Sir Arthur (MLC)
Salom, Maurice (MLC)
Sanderson, Rachel
Sandford, Alexander (MLC)
Sandford, Sir James (MLC)
Sandover, William (MLC)
Santo, Philip (MLC)
Savvas, Olivia
Scalzi, Joe
Scammell, Luther
Schaefer, Caroline (MLC)
Scherk, Theodor
Schmidt, Ivar
Scott, Abraham (MLC)
Scott, Henry (MLC)
Scott, William (MLC)
Scriven, Clare (MLC)
Sellar, James
Senior, William
Shannon, David
Shannon, James
Shannon, John
Shannon CMG, Howard
Shard AO, Albert (MLC)
Shepherd MM, Eric "Jack"
Short, Arthur
Sibbons, Alan
Simmons, Lindsay
Simmons AM DFC, Donald
Simms, Robert (MLC)
Simms, William (MLC)
Simpson, Alfred (MLC)
Sinclair, John
Slater, Jack
Smeaton, Thomas
Smedley, Carrington
Smillie, William (MLC)
Smith, Clement
Smith, Frank
Smith, Jacob
Smith KCMG, Sir Edwin
Sneath, Robert (MLC)
Snelling, Jack
Solomon, Emanuel (MLC)
Solomon, Judah (MLC)
Solomon, Saul
Solomon, Vaiben
Southcott AM, Heather
Southwood, John
Soward, George
Speirs, David
Spence, John (MLC)
Spicer, Frederick
Springett, Victor (MLC)
Staniford, Frank
Steele OBE, Joyce
Stefani AM, Julian (MLC)
Stephen, George (MLC)
Stephens, Edward (MLC)
Stephens, James
Stephens, Terence (MLC)
Stevens, Lea
Stevenson, George
Stewart, James
Stinson, Jayne
Stirling, Edward (MLC)
Stirling CMG, Sir Edward
Stirling KCMG OBE, Sir John (MLC)
Stock, William
Stokes, Francis
Storrie, William (MLC)
Story CMG, Clarence (MLC)
Stott CBE, Tom
Stow, Augustine (MLC)
Stow QC, Randolph
Strangeways, Thomas (MLC)
Strangways, Henry
Sturt, Charles (MLC)
Styles, Alfred (MLC)
Such, Bob
Sudholz, Johann
Sumner AM, Christopher (MLC)
Sutherland, David
Sutton, Albert
Symon KCMG KC, Sir Josiah
Szakacs, Joe
Tapping, Harold
Tarlton, Robert (MLC)
Tarzia, Vincent
Tassie, Henry (MLC)
Taylor, Benjamin
Teague, Josh
Telfer, Sam
Tennant, Andrew (MLC)
Teusner CMG, Bert
Thompson, Albert
Thompson, Erin
Thompson, Gay
Thompson, Henry (MLC)
Thompson, Thomas
Threadgold, William
Tiernan, Joe
Tinline, George (MLC)
Tomkinson, Samuel (MLC)
Tonkin AO, David
Torrens GCMG, Sir Robert
Tossell, Henry
Townsend, William
Trainer OAM, John
Travers, John
Travers QC, John
Treloar, Peter
Trimmer, William
Tucker, Charles
Tuxford, William (MLC)
Twopeny, Edward
Tyler, Phil
Umpherston, James
van Holst Pellekaan, Dan
Vandepeer, Murray
Vardon, Edward
Vardon, Joseph (MLC)
Vaughan, Crawford
Vaughan CBE, John (MLC)
Venning, Howard
Venning, Ivan
Verco, James
Verran, John
Verran, John
Vincent, Kelly (MLC)
Virgo AM, Geoffrey
Vlahos, Leesa
Von Doussa, Alfred (MLC)
Von Doussa, Louis (MLC)
Wade, David
Wade, Stephen (MLC)
Wadham, William (MLC)
Wallis, Frederick (MLC)
Walsh, Frank
Walsh CBE, Fred
Ward, Ebenezer (MLC)
Wardle OAM , Ivon
Wark, David
Warne, Walter
Warren, Edgar
Warren, John (MLC)
Waterhouse, George (MLC)
Watts, Alfred
Way Bt PC KC, Sir Samuel
Weatherill, George (MLC)
Weatherill AO, Jay
Webster, Frank
Wells, Charles
Wentzel, Emil
West-Erskine, William (MLC)
Whetstone, Tim
Whinham, William
White, Hector
White, James
White, Wharton
White AM, Trish
Whitford, Stanley (MLC)
Whitten, George
Whittle, Elder
Whyte AM, Arthur (MLC)
Wiese, Barbara (MLC)
Wigley, William
Willcox, Charles (MLC)
Williams, John
Williams, Mitch
Williams, Thomas (MLC)
Wilson, James (MLC)
Wilson, Robert (MLC)
Wilson AM, Michael
Winderlich, David (MLC)
Wingard, Corey
Winter, Alfred
Wood, Richard
Wortley, Dana
Wortley, Russell (MLC)
Wotton AM, David
Wright, Michael
Wright AO, Jack
Xenophon, Nicholas (MLC)
Young, Charles (MLC)
Young, George
Young, Harry (MLC)
Young, Sir Frederick
Young, Thomas
Younghusband, William (MLC)
Zollo, Carmelina (MLC)
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